Allister Webb

March 2023

The Veterinary Human Factors Conference was told the sector must fully embrace new ways of working or risk “going backwards”.

7 mins

Animal health trade body welcomes new post-Brexit agreement, but says work must not stop there.

5 mins

February 2023

Organisation publishes new guide for members, which it hopes will increase transparency and help professionals to approach issue.

10 mins

Businesses and lawmakers are being urged to do more to prevent advertising that is seen to normalise brachycephalic dogs’ health issues.

7 mins

Malcolm Morley said the deal appeared to be “positive” on first reading, though political reaction has been more mixed.

7 mins

Gum disease and obesity were the most frequently observed conditions in newly published analysis of cats in the VetCompass programme.

6 mins

A campaigner says action could have been taken earlier after the Competition and Markets Authority revealed the proportion of independent veterinary practices in the UK almost halved in eight years.

12 mins

Esther Skelly-Smith says animal welfare will also be a key plank of her year as president.

7 mins

A year after seeing the site for the first time, a Linlithgow veterinary practice has welcomed its first clients to its new home.

7 mins

Professionals are being invited to join an online session next month, shortly before current Government energy support schemes end.

3 mins

Analysis finds 95% strongly agree VN title should be protected – while nearly half of respondents said they knew people working as a VN without being RCVS-registered.

13 mins

Blue Cross has renewed its appeal for support exactly a year after the war began.

7 mins

New supplies of a vaccine against equine viral arteritis are not expected to be available until this autumn, the company has admitted.

4 mins

A Lincoln-based vet is leading a fund-raising drive to help those impacted by the war, a year after it began, and a well-known veterinary charity.

3 mins

Staff are also welcoming new colleagues from a nearby surgery in Greater Manchester following several months of collaboration between the two sites.

4 mins

A consistent message across the entire practice team is crucial, the workshop’s leader said.

5 mins

Officials say the document is intended to give professionals useful information on the bacteria.

4 mins

Four practices are piloting a study to see whether reusable drapes are as effective as their single-use counterparts.

6 mins

CVS Group said questions remain about how breaches of the updated guidance on remote prescribing will be resolved.

11 mins

AURA Veterinary is seeking participants for two studies to see whether methods that have shown signs of promise in human medicine could also be effective for dogs.

6 mins

“It’s important that any discussion around cost of living doesn’t default to the line that ‘vets are too expensive’” – charity chief vet Caroline Allen.

12 mins

Vets discovered a 12-week-old dachshund with signs of being in season after absorbing the product.

3 mins

Rural affairs minister Lesley Griffiths confirms issue will be part of a public consultation process on the licensing of activities involving animals later this year.

7 mins

University of Bristol researchers said they have found a potential bacterial candidate organism that could be the disease's cause – and are now appealing for veterinary professionals to help confirm this.

11 mins

A working group has made 32 separate recommendations, including a requirement for would-be owners to pass a pre-purchase knowledge test.

6 mins

The company has been given five working days to respond to the authority’s concerns, which relate to the acquisition of practices in both England and Wales.

6 mins

Vets told to ensure they are using the latest version of the platform after a fault was discovered.

4 mins

Collaboration is expected to focus on areas including infectious diseases that could pass between humans and animals.

4 mins

The BVA’s Scottish branch president has paid tribute to the “significant” welfare advances during Nicola Sturgeon’s time in government, but warned her successor needs to go further.

6 mins

The two organisations will begin their link-up with a series of four webinars, beginning next month.

4 mins