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Voted for by vets, Elanco’s first-in-class OA treatment has won the Veterinary Marketing Association’s award for best new product 2019.
Webinar looks at how best to promote intestinal integrity in piglet populations through husbandary and health interventions.
Have you heard? There’s an easier way to treat otitis externa. The ONLY first-line treatment available in ONE vet-administered dose.
Would your cat owners prefer giving a tablet?
Professor Duncan Lascelles describes a new approach to managing canine osteoarthritis (OA) and introduces a new way to target canine OA pain.
With just two doses, one week apart, a first line treatment that you can prescribe with confidence for your otitis externa* cases.
Ear infections are among the top 10 reasons dogs are presented to vets, but treating otitis externa can be a challenge.