Nikki McLeod

A self-confessed “crazy cat lady” and “study geek”, Nikki McLeod BSc(Hons), NCert(Behav), ISFM CertFN & AdvFB, has been an RVN since 2000.
With her fingers in many pies, she splits what little time she has between working as the cat advocate and consulting nurse for a small animal practice in Fife, and studying for multiple certificates.
Not satisfied with gaining her first undergraduate degree at 50, Nikki is now going on to study clinical animal behaviour at The University of Edinburgh, with a view to becoming a practice-based clinical animal behaviourist.
Nikki is also a member of BVNA council.

October 2023

Nikki McLeod outlines some main anxiety-driven behaviours in companion animals, as well as their causes, prevalence, and advice to give pet owners.

47 mins

December 2022

Nikki McLeod addresses fear and anxiety in companion animals, and advises on how to help keep pets calm at home and in practice.

17 mins

October 2022

As fireworks season approaches, RVN Nikki McLeod joins VN Times editor Rachael Buzzel to advise on how practices can support pet owners and their pets through this unsettling time and why vet nurses are perfectly placed to do this.

1 mins