Suzanne Moyes

Suzanne Moyes MVB MRCVS is a small animal vet who spent many years in first opinion practice before joining Burgess Pet Care. She now works as Operations and Technical Director.
Dy Moyes oversees recipe development and product production and, with her teams, ensures Burgess Pet Care makes great quality, safe products for dogs, cats and small pets.

July 2022

The answer is quite possibly a great deal more than you think. From selecting quality ingredients and getting the right balance of vitamins and minerals, to the thermal extrusion production process itself – Suzanne Moyes explains it all…

58 mins

June 2022

As Rabbit Awareness Week gets under way, Suzanne Moyes discusses the statistics behind “Room for rabbits” being chosen as the theme for this year’s campaign.

3 mins

December 2020

Suzanne Moyes discusses the ideal diet for rabbits, as well as the link between nutrition and dentistry, and identification and treatment of dental issues.

28 mins

May 2020

The UK has around one million pet rabbits, and a growing number of practices are capitalising on the lack of care and attention some receive. Research has shown many owners seek out practices that specialise in rabbit care over those who don’t, so it’s worth investing time and thought to make sure they choose you…

29 mins