July 2017

Dan Skeldon takes readers through the latest treatments in joint care, with a particular emphasis on OA management.

43 mins

With a lack of time being a major factor in stressful practices, RVN and practice owner Helen Russell tries to help readers – and herself – manage the unstoppable ticking of the clock...

20 mins

Louise has chosen triage as the subject to put under the spotlight this month, as well as the VN’s role within the process...

5 mins

RVN and director of veterinary nursing at CVS Belinda Andrews-Jones details a nationwide week in her working life, spanning many miles, meetings and hotel meals…

15 mins

Halfway through, Ruth Clooney-Power is finding the CertVN ECC certificate ever more applicable day-to-day...

4 mins

Helen Rooney explains the integral role of diet in canine chronic kidney disease, helping VNs understand what they need to know and advise clients.

22 mins

June 2017

VBJ's Big 6 project saw a carefully selected panel discuss and debate the six biggest issues most likely to shape the veterinary landscape. In its first report, panellists discuss work-life balance and how this is changing practice.

50 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard continues our look at compulsory microchipping legislation one year on, talking to VNs about how the law impacted practice both immediately after implementation, and 12 months later.

15 mins

RVN Wendy Sneddon – considering practices are businesses that need to make money, and that VNs could probably do with knowing a little more about this – offers readers business finance explanations and tips for improving performance...

18 mins

Marge Chandler, in the final of a two-part article, discusses the complex relationship of obesity and health, and how VNs can help owners manage the condition in pets.

28 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard looks at the efficacy of the tools, materials, CPD and training that accompany production of antiparasitic pharmaceuticals.

24 mins

May might be over, but, as RVN and BVNA regional coordinator Gemma Reeve explains, it doesn’t mean it’s time to stop pushing the profession forward...

6 mins

RVN Charlotte Beard shares how her need to travel set off an obsession with all things elephant and welfare...

22 mins

This month, Louise O’Dwyer takes a look at refeeding syndrome, how to avoid it and what to actually do instead...

6 mins

RCVS Knowledge writers continue to help VNs get to grips with evidence-based veterinary medicine. This month, it’s all about searching...

14 mins

New research reveals pet owner’s biggest concerns, and also highlights a worrying lack of understanding of the key parasite risks.

15 mins

Palatable oral chews have transformed the ectoparasite market in the USA, and the same trend is happening here in the UK.

8 mins

Parasitologist Ian Wright discusses the evolving parasite risks facing dogs, including the growing threat of lungworm and ticks.

28 mins

Recent research at the University of Salford shows that questing Ixodes ticks were found almost every month of the year.

10 mins

See how palatable oral chews can positively transform the pet and owner experience of parasite control.

1 mins