June 2017

RCVS Knowledge writers continue to help VNs get to grips with evidence-based veterinary medicine. This month, it’s all about searching...

14 mins

New research reveals pet owner’s biggest concerns, and also highlights a worrying lack of understanding of the key parasite risks.

15 mins

Palatable oral chews have transformed the ectoparasite market in the USA, and the same trend is happening here in the UK.

8 mins

Parasitologist Ian Wright discusses the evolving parasite risks facing dogs, including the growing threat of lungworm and ticks.

28 mins

Recent research at the University of Salford shows that questing Ixodes ticks were found almost every month of the year.

10 mins

See how palatable oral chews can positively transform the pet and owner experience of parasite control.

1 mins

Miele Professional shares how you can control the risk of infection in your practice with a commercial laundry system.

1 mins

May 2017

RVN Ruth Clooney-Power powers through with her certificate, despite taking on more work and avoiding procrastination in the sunshine…

3 mins

Marge Chandler looks at the factors impacting on canine and feline weight gain to help equip VNs with the information they need in battling the pet bulge.

26 mins

Richard Morris looks at the stages of diagnosing and treating equine dermal allergic reactions, along with the VN's role in achieving these, using case studies as examples.

21 mins

RVN Louise O’Dwyer uses May’s Nursing Notes to take a (condensed) look at the Rule of 20.

5 mins

RVN Stacey Bullock looks at the problem with training placements for SVNs and asks readers to consider whether their practice could help...

17 mins

With May hosting Mental Health Awareness Week, RVN Emma Gerrard reminds us all it’s okay to struggle, it’s good to say so, and you are not alone...

5 mins

Jenny Helm, senior veterinary clinician at University of Glasgow, discusses the recent tick media attention and the stats vets should be aware of.

13 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard talks to VNs “at the coalface” about how the Government’s decision to make dog microchipping a legal requirement impacted immediately after and 12 months later...

16 mins

Royal Canin's John O'Connor looks at how to treat dermatosis in cats and dogs by exploring the range of diets the company offers, which now has one for every stage of the nutritional management of such cases.

8 mins

April 2017

RVN Louise O’Dwyer discusses the importance of nutrition in emergency situations, exploring calorie requirements, assisted feeding and the wonderful world of feeding tubes.

36 mins

Ariane Neuber discusses the ways VNs can help cats, dogs and their owners prevent or combat allergic skin diseases.

30 mins

RVN and BVNA council member Stacey Bullock tries to get the non-training practices among you on board…

6 mins

RVN Helen Russell shares her journey to becoming a practice owner and how, if they wish, fellow veterinary nurses can do the same.

16 mins