January 2017

SVN Simon Johnson discusses the preconceptions he faces as a man in a predominately female profession and how this can be addressed in the future.

18 mins

Dan Curtis speaks with CVS Group's newly appointed director of nursing, Belinda Andrews-Jones, about her career to date.

16 mins

RVN Ruth Clooney-Power files the latest entry in her bursary diary, where she tells readers how she’s getting on with the Certificate of Veterinary Nursing in Emergency and Critical Care.

4 mins

RVN Diane Westwood describes a training day she took part in for volunteers willing to respond to marine mammals in danger.

14 mins

Those spearheading the VN Futures initiative update readers on the joint RCVS/BVNA initiative, with an overview of its first working party meeting.

14 mins

RVN Louise Buckley shares her seven golden steps to compiling, developing and honing critical appraisal skills in evidence-based veterinary medicine.

17 mins

BVNA council member Jasmine Kilpatrick speaks about her first year as a diploma student VN.

6 mins

Louise O'Dwyer discusses small animal pain management, arguing a need for more pain scoring in practice.

6 mins

RVN Devon Caffull outlines various dental procedures often involving VNs and the significant contributions they can make.

23 mins

Learn how the new puppy growth charts could help pave the way for a healthier dog population, simply by tracking growth against reference standards.

38 mins

RVN Laura Lacey discusses common symptoms associated with elderly canine and feline patients, plus advice for VNs to adopt and share with owners.

40 mins

December 2016

Emma Gerrard RVN offers key recommendations to help implement and maintain infection control protocols.

27 mins

Clare Jones, in the first of a two-part article, familiarises VNs with parrot handling, diet, environment and illness.

28 mins

BVNA council member Erika Feilberg takes a closer look at VNs in practice, including how they are used in the hospital she works in.

7 mins

Louise O'Dwyer takes a look at the relationship between pre-surgery fasting and anaesthesia in December's Nursing Notes.

8 mins

Rory O’Connor offers practical advice for VNs to prevent mental health issues occurring – and to ensure you don’t suffer in silence.

19 mins

Pam Mosedale explains the responsibilities of suitably qualified persons (SQPs) in practice.

20 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard talks to an RVN about how her volunteering trip to the southernmost tip of Africa brought her face to face with big cats and bolstered her recovery from anxiety.

17 mins

RVN Samantha Thompson advises on common festive-related items often within reaching distance of pets that can prove toxic if ingested.

23 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard discovers what the future holds for a trio of veterinary nurses who have been appointed to the VPMA’s board.

25 mins