November 2016

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard reports from the latest White Cross Vets Congress, which saw its north and midlands branches descend on Cheshire.

14 mins

Dan Skeldon looks at various treatment methods for this prevalent joint disease affecting canine patients.

27 mins

In her VN Times editorial board member role, RVN Louise O'Dwyer looks at a guideline change in fluid therapy for anaesthetised patients.

5 mins

VN Ruth Clooney-Power, the winner of our emergency and critical care bursary competition, begins her bi-monthly update on how the course is progressing...

3 mins

Having begun her second year at the helm of the association, BVNA president Samantha Morgan speculates as to what might happen in 2016-17 and beyond.

7 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard continues the series of documenting VNs as they learn new skills or take the lead in practice by meeting RVN Samantha Ford, who has a passion for all things itchy and scaly.

10 mins

RVN Samantha Feighery discusses veterinary nursing protocols to help stabilise equine patients after this gastrointestinal procedure.

20 mins

Nicola Ackerman considers how probiotics and prebiotics aid gastrointestinal microorganisms, and the research being carried out.

17 mins

Neil Forbes discusses this vital area of veterinary practice management and the cost-effective training BVNA has created for VNs and vets.

31 mins

The ability to perform basic mathematical calculations is a vital skill for all veterinary nurses. Megan Brashear looks at the basics of performing medical calculations to prepare readers to learn more advanced mathematics.

19 mins

Beginning with the end in mind is a vital skill to set targets and measure success. Libby Sheridan discusses the benefits of planning nurse clinics using this approach.

27 mins

Ophthalmic patients have some unique and, often, challenging nursing needs in first opinion practice. Tina Presnail demonstrates this using case studies of patients presenting with fragile eyes.

24 mins

October 2016

Richard Jones and Marcella Palmer discuss strategies for treating fractures and crop impaction in chickens.

20 mins

Emma Gerrard discusses environmental triggers, as well as short-term and long-term management strategies, for cats and dogs with sound sensitivities.

24 mins

Claire Bloor discusses the involvement of VNs when presented with pets requiring dental treatment, such as assessment and recording.

52 mins

Speaking in the association’s congress month, BVNA regional coordinator Emma Gerrard tells VN Times what the association means to her.

7 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard finds out how one VN’s animal aspirations led her all the way to Asia.

17 mins

In her role as a cat advocate, RVN Hayley Oates recounts her involvement in a client education evening that offered feline tips to owners.

8 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard reveals the advisory panel that will be keeping your magazine at its best, and her on her toes…

41 mins

September 2016

Claire Bloor looks at the prevalence of epilepsy in dogs, as well as diagnosis and treatment developments to help VNs advise clients and patients.

30 mins