June 2016

Parasite prevention is a huge part of veterinary nursing. It is important to understand life cycles and treatment protocols to ensure clients and their pets receive the correct information.

31 mins

So, it happened. The RCVS elections closed and you (well, 10.9% of you) elected your two new councillors. Let me introduce you to them.

15 mins

Over the past few months, I have been in the privileged position of spending time travelling around the country with my colleagues talking to VNs from all backgrounds about what being a nurse means to them and how they think it can be made better.

7 mins

May 2016

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard talks to vet nurses about the reception new compulsory microchipping legislation in dogs has had among clinics, and asks for their personal views on the law itself.

25 mins

Rebecca Hubbard reports from the VN Futures initiative's second regional meeting and the challenge faced by participants of setting what lies next for veterinary nurses.

44 mins

Lynne Kerrigan offers key tips VNs should share with new owners of these pets to ensure their health and welfare needs are met.

30 mins

REVN Marie Rippingale recalls a case of equine atypical myoglobinuria, detailing the pivotal nursing required to get the crossbreed back to full health.

22 mins

BVNA education development coordinator Debbie Gray asks what VNs can do to educate and inform the public.

5 mins

VN Times editor Rebecca Hubbard continues her delve into the digital realm by talking to International Cat Care about why its Cat Friendly Clinic initiative and website is worthwhile.

26 mins

Ariane Neuber discusses the aetiology and treatment methods of various allergic conditions that often present in dogs and cats.

27 mins

Hayley Walters talks about the importance of future VNs recognising both the mental and physical welfare needs of animals, and introduces a course designed to help.

10 mins

Our knowledge of ticks and tick borne diseases is growing, but so are the risks. Get informed and find out how you can fight against ticks now.

20 mins

April 2016

Rebecca Hubbard, VN Times editor, enlightens readers on a new initiative directed at the future of the veterinary nursing profession, what it means for RVNs and why you should get involved.

19 mins

Rebecca Hubbard, VN Times editor, in a new series, boards planes, trains and automobiles to talk to nurses about their experiences working abroad.

21 mins

Rebecca Hubbard reports from 2016’s TP Congress, where clinical coaching, cocktails and canapés made for a captivating concoction.

24 mins

Lynn Irving describes common conditions that can lead to immunocompromised horses, including prevention and treatment advice.

29 mins

Lynne Kerrigan suggests ways VNs can advise and assist dog and cat owners in helping geriatric pets live life to the full in their senior years.

28 mins

Laura Rosewell discusses how VNs’ actions and protocols are essential in preventing disease spread in practice, in the second of a two-part article.

17 mins

BVNA education development coordinator Debbie Gray tells readers about the free CPD available for its members.

5 mins

Jane Davidson offers a few ideas for making the most of Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month, an initiative created to raise awareness of the vital role played by veterinary nurses in animal care and treatment.

9 mins