December 2015

Another summer; another amazing opportunity to continue my quest to learn, savour and share the … more

29 mins

Eileen Green VN Times editor, shares advice given by a behaviour expert on helping these domesticated birds and their owners to live both happily and harmoniously.

14 mins

Ariane Neuber advises on management strategies, along with examples, for a selection of skin ailments veterinary nurses should be aware of in practice.

21 mins

November 2015

Can you guarantee your clients will give antibiotics responsibly? Poor compliance is likely to compromise … more

Oval Pet Centre in Sidcup, Kent is a family-run practice, led by Corrado Fornengo and … more

15 mins

Being a mum in a full-time head nurse role has its challenges. However, from my … more

12 mins

We all know and agree having a well-trained and compassionate veterinary nurse working in a … more

9 mins

Another BVNA Congress has come and gone. With delegate numbers up by almost 40 per … more

6 mins

ABSTRACT As veterinary nurses, we readily advise clients about the additional needs of elderly animals … more

27 mins

A key step towards responsible antibiotic use is selecting the appropriate antibiotic. Responsible use will … more

October 2015

When receiving a wildlife casualty in practice, it is extremely important to record details to gain … more

6 mins

We’re all now getting ready for BVNA Congress, taking place in Telford from October 9 … more

5 mins

Claire Hargrave offers advice to pass on to owners regarding best practice to managing animal anxiety from unexpected noises.

27 mins

ABSTRACT The field of veterinary cardiology is continually expanding, with scientific studies and papers arising … more

28 mins

If you fancy a change in your career, but want to stay in veterinary nursing … more

36 mins

September 2015

The RCVS is encouraging veterinary professionals to incorporate evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) into their everyday work. … more

7 mins

Veterinary nurses have an important role in every aspect of anaesthesia, from the preparation of equipment … more

23 mins

Sitting in her office, vet and clinic director Kelly Whitelaw said with conviction: “In terms … more

18 mins

Probiotics supplementation is gaining popularity – for example, as promoted in advertisements for people as “good bacteria”. A … more

25 mins

A Key function of the BVNA is to support our members and to do this effectively, … more

6 mins