VBJ articles

June 2021

The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent national lockdowns sparked a pet-buying boom on an almost unprecedented scale. Microchipping can provide the perfect opportunity for your practice to bond with this potential army of new clients…

17 mins

May 2021

In this VBJ Technology Insight feature, Hallmarq discusses improving access to the benefits of advanced imaging.

7 mins

March 2021

For many veterinary practices, telemedicine was the lifeline that helped them survive the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The crisis prompted unprecedented take-up of remote technology across the sector and according to one of the leading players, it’s here to stay…

24 mins

December 2020

In a three-part series, vets and tech consultants Guen Bradbury and Greg Dickens have been exploring communications, smart diagnostics and smart surgery. In their final article, they estimate the profession’s surgical needs in the next five years and explain how all of us can learn to select the right tools for our practice…

30 mins

September 2020

Maddy Cousins – a mature vet student at the RVC and co-founder of VetConsult, an online booking and payment platform for vets – discusses this evolving area in the veterinary sphere.

24 mins

August 2020

In a three-part series, vets and tech consultants Guen Bradbury and Greg Dickens have been exploring communications, smart diagnostics and smart surgery. In this, the second part of the series, they estimate the profession’s diagnostic tech needs in the next five years and explain how all of us can learn to select the right tools for our practice…

20 mins

Proagrica managing director for animal health Richard Sibbit explains why the coronavirus lockdown has been a proving ground for an uptake in digital innovations, why it cannot be ignored, and how practices have had to act and adapt fast to survive.

17 mins

June 2020

An ever-increasing range of digital products and services is available to help modern veterinary practices better serve the needs of both their staff and their clients. But to make those systems work effectively and efficiently, practices must ensure all their tech is properly integrated.

14 mins

In a three-part series, vets and tech consultants Guen Bradbury and Greg Dickens look at the way technology will impact on the areas of communication, diagnostics and surgery. This first part looks at what communication technology might be coming online in the next five years and how practices can learn to select the right tools for them…

25 mins

April 2020

In these difficult times, providing veterinary care has suddenly become a serious challenge. Animals still need medical help and clinical teams across the UK have been turning to new ways of fulfilling their duty of care…

13 mins

MWI Animal Health marketing executive Meg Chiplen outlines three good starting points to help ensure your website makes a good first impression with potential customers.

13 mins

March 2020

Increasing diagnostic testing is good for animal welfare and pracice profits. This is a multibillion-pound market, but are UK practices making the most of the tech and tests they have at their disposal...?

29 mins

November 2019

Modern imaging modalities have revolutionised veterinary care, but deciding what you need, how much to pay for it and when to use it remain complicated decisions. Here, Mark Gill from Goddard Veterinary Group explains why it’s important to ensure the numbers add up...

24 mins

October 2019

People are built to worry about the future, skilled professionals especially. In this article, futurists and innovation consultants Greg Dickens and Guen Bradbury outline some possible futures for the veterinary profession, and suggest ways to be ready to get the most out of it...

26 mins

August 2019

Telemedicine has been with us for many years in one form or another, but recent developments have upped the ante for veterinary practices of all shapes and sizes – so be prepared...

27 mins

December 2017

Having a website is no longer enough to cut the mustard. Dave Nicol explains why practices must develop a structured digital strategy to turn those clicks into clients.

29 mins

We all know social media is a necessary evil of modern veterinary practice. However, as Julia Bramble spotlights, it can be used as a powerful, bottom line-boosting tool…

32 mins

October 2017

Developing a social media strategy is fundamental for your practice's ability to communicate with existing clients. However, as Justin Phillips states, it is also vital in attracting new pet owners and differentiating yourself from the others in town...

24 mins

September 2017

Technology in all its forms has already proved to be a huge disruptor for veterinary practices across the UK. Staying up to date with the latest developments can be a challenge, but upsides exist for those willing to embrace these advances. We asked our panel to share their vision of this brave new world.

48 mins

March 2017

Do you know a ‘hashtag’ from a ‘like’? Have you the confidence to post content on your practice social media? Elanco’s Linn Adams offers hints and tips on what social media platforms to use and content that will appeal to clients.

18 mins