VBJ articles

October 2020

“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you...” – motivational speaker Zig Ziglar.

21 mins

Anyone involved in running a practice knows how big a challenge it can be to find a vet who fits with your culture and the rest of the team. So at Peter Fenton Equine Veterinary Practice near Manchester, owner Diane Horner has decided to take a radically new approach to this perennial problem...

11 mins

August 2020

With clinical advisory boards becoming more commonplace, it can be challenging to cut through the noise to understand their benefit to modern veterinary practice. Using the clinical advisory board within MWI Distinct Advantage as a working example, the members look at how to help provide guidance on clinical improvements, compliance with best practice, enhance care to patients and support the commercial elements of veterinary practice – all while maintaining clinician choice...

14 mins

July 2020

At this time of year, thoughts turn to the trips and holidays we plan to take. In the short term, coronavirus has put paid to that. But while we may not be able to travel, employees are still accruing holiday, and many are wondering how the rules will play out…

10 mins

May 2020

Coronavirus has brought swift, sudden change, and a new normal now prevails. Alan Robinson explains why businesses that hope to survive the present and thrive in the future must understand what these changes mean, and how to respond...

34 mins

February 2020

Stress and burnout are at epidemic levels across the profession, but vets and nurses are often left to solve their own well-being issues. Alan Robinson argues, however, that it’s the practice leaders and managers who should be doing more to help banish the burnout blues...

2 mins

Many veterinary professionals aspire to ownership, but becoming a leader is not necessarily part of their dream. Yet practice ownership immediately places people in a leadership role, so why don’t owners always want to step up?

19 mins

January 2020

VBJ familiarises readers with the association's history, membership and key activities, as well as its outgoing and incoming presidents.

4 mins

VBJ familiarises readers with the association's history, membership and key activities, as well as its outgoing and incoming presidents.

6 mins

October 2019

All successful veterinary practices require good leadership, but being a leader is about much more than just a title. Here, Mark John from Fenton Vets describes his journey and explains why being a brilliant boss is now more important than ever...

25 mins

Practices have four months to prepare for off-payroll working rules changes that could have significant impacts on locums. From April 2020, they will have to check if locums need to pay income tax and national insurance contributions, shifting the responsibility from locums to practices.

20 mins

September 2019

An RCVS crackdown on non-compliance means the rules about when vets and RVNs can complete their CPD have changed. This could provide challenges to clinicians and the practices they work in, but, as VBJ discovered, it’s never been easier to access new learning opportunities...

1 mins

June 2019

Do you really know who your practice is employing? With the spirit of the goodness of humanity in mind, it’s unlikely you have anyone bad or criminally minded on staff. But it does happen.

21 mins

Transforming a group of highly talented individuals into a high-performing team is a common challenge in veterinary practices large and small. It requires considered leadership, but also the ability to understand that, sometimes, the best thing to do is nothing at all.

22 mins

May 2019

Have you been promoted to head up a team, perhaps to replace someone who has left or because the business is growing? Do you feel overnight your responsibilities have changed, but you haven't had training in the skill sets you need? This is accidental leadership…

21 mins

April 2019

Many lessons can be learned by those in business from the world of top-level sport – a fact VBJ was reminded of when we sat down with the woman who skippered the Great Britain’s hockey team to golden glory at the Olympics in Rio …

10 mins

Having practice staff in uniform not only enhances a brand with clients and wherever else employees are seen, it also provides a perk in that it saves employees’ own clothing from wear and tear. But, as might be expected, rules and regulations exist that surround the provision of a uniform if it’s to be tax deductible…

21 mins

November 2018

Liz Barton, in her fifth instalment, highlights the challenges of balancing being a practising vet and a parent to school-age children.

19 mins

September 2018

“There are times when we are not in control of our minds. Why? Because part of our brain has its own agenda – we are the source and the solution to our own problems” – Leonie Lightfoot.

28 mins

Liz Barton discusses the issues and challenges surrounding returning to work in the fourth instalment of her groundbreaking series.

19 mins