VBJ articles

December 2016

The last thing any practice owner or manager needs is to be asked to appear before an employment tribunal. But if the worst does happen, it is vital to know exactly where you and your practice stand, says Mark Stevens.

16 mins

November 2016

Adam Bernstein discusses why, despite technological advances, it will always be the staff who make the difference between success and failure in practice.

20 mins

With much debate about the under-representation of women in leadership roles, Sarah Page-Jones discusses how a gender-neutral approach could be more accessible for female leaders.

23 mins

October 2016

People are becoming more and more aware of the value of their data and, even more importantly, the impact if that data is misused, says Neil Matthews.

10 mins

Verity Johnson discusses why the attributes that make for wonderfully caring individuals and teams often come with a personal price.

8 mins

September 2016

Four years ago the starting gun was fired on a workplace pension revolution. Known as auto-enrolment, its aim is to ensure we all have enough income to live on when we get old. Adam Bernstein explains.

16 mins

July 2016

The most valuable asset your practice has is the staff it employs. Keep them happy and motivated with VBJ’s top 10 tips on geting the most out of your team.

7 mins

A mini series of articles looking at the lack of female leaders in the veterinary profession prompted a wave of feedback from VBJ readers. Here, practice owner, vet and mother, Lorna Clark, explains how she has been able to ‘have it all’.

20 mins

June 2016

For five days this spring, an intrepid group of Brits abroad attended the North American Veterinary Community 2016 Conference. Among them was VBJ editorial board member Alison Lambert, who explains why more of us should be making the trip.

14 mins

March 2016

Chanticleer's March column for Veterinary Times discusses the importance of communicating the right way to help practice life.

13 mins

February 2016

A survey by HMRC on what businesses thought of the new real time information (RTI) process … more

13 mins

January 2016

Working in veterinary practice involves meeting, talking and interacting with a variety of different people … more

10 mins

The most troubling euthanasia cases typically concern client reluctance to consent to urgently needed euthanasia … more

13 mins

December 2015

As I write this article, the weather is on the turn for the worse and … more

17 mins

Imagine a dog’s owners have a problem with their beloved Ranger. This could be a long-standing … more

27 mins

No matter how good you, your practice and your people are you will occasionally encounter an … more

8 mins

Employers want to know what their employees are doing at work. From a purely practical … more

18 mins

November 2015

Obesity is a common condition in dogs and cats with prevalence ranging from 25% to more … more

17 mins

Some exceptional things have been happening in my life recently. After three years in ownership … more

12 mins

A record number of delegates and exhibitors are expected to attend the seventh London Vet Show … more

10 mins