VBJ articles

September 2020

Bounce Back Loans (BBL) could be a relatively low-risk financial lifeline for practices hit by the coronavirus pandemic. With no fixed interest and no repayments for the first year, a BBL could make all the difference for some businesses, but think fast as they won't be about for long...

24 mins

Managing your health care plans in practice can be challenging, but getting the initial setup correct can save immeasurable time in the future, as MWI Animal Health’s Susannah Gilfoyle explains...

13 mins

Maddy Cousins – a mature vet student at the RVC and co-founder of VetConsult, an online booking and payment platform for vets – discusses this evolving area in the veterinary sphere.

24 mins

August 2020

Running a fast-growing 24-hour small animal practice is a demanding job, whatever the weather. Throw in a pandemic that shuts down society for months and that task becomes a whole lot more complicated, as VBJ discovered when we spoke to JVP at Vets4Pets Northampton, Jenny Millington...

35 mins

After months of struggle practices are scrambling to make up for lost income, but as SPVS board member and practice member Leigh-Anne Brown explains, the recovery will take time...

11 mins

In a three-part series, vets and tech consultants Guen Bradbury and Greg Dickens have been exploring communications, smart diagnostics and smart surgery. In this, the second part of the series, they estimate the profession’s diagnostic tech needs in the next five years and explain how all of us can learn to select the right tools for our practice…

20 mins

With clinical advisory boards becoming more commonplace, it can be challenging to cut through the noise to understand their benefit to modern veterinary practice. Using the clinical advisory board within MWI Distinct Advantage as a working example, the members look at how to help provide guidance on clinical improvements, compliance with best practice, enhance care to patients and support the commercial elements of veterinary practice – all while maintaining clinician choice...

14 mins

Advanced diagnostic imaging is fast becoming more than just “the gold standard” – it is now a realistic prospect for many first opinion practices. But what options are out there for those practices hoping to mine the opportunities on offer?

25 mins

Proagrica managing director for animal health Richard Sibbit explains why the coronavirus lockdown has been a proving ground for an uptake in digital innovations, why it cannot be ignored, and how practices have had to act and adapt fast to survive.

17 mins

James Westgate speaks to practice owners, business leaders and consultants about lessons learned from the pandemic, and how practices and practitioners can survive and thrive in an uncertain future.

31 mins

July 2020

For most small animal practices across the UK, the story of coronavirus has been pretty bleak – certainly where practice revenues have been concerned. But at Bury St Edmunds Veterinary Centre the crisis has played out differently, as VBJ discovered when we hooked up with partner Jenny Reason...

30 mins

At this time of year, thoughts turn to the trips and holidays we plan to take. In the short term, coronavirus has put paid to that. But while we may not be able to travel, employees are still accruing holiday, and many are wondering how the rules will play out…

10 mins

Good communication between practice and client is key to establishing, growing and maintaining a successful business. This includes all messaging and marketing, the way a practice looks, the services it offers and how it engages with clients…

23 mins

A potential law change that could make microchipping compulsory in feline pets could provide valuable opportunities for veterinary practices. And with almost a third of the nation’s domestic cats not having a microchip, practices should be ready to make the most of those opportunities...

19 mins

June 2020

The coronavirus outbreak has brought massive and sudden change to the veterinary profession. But practices are adapting to a new normal and lessons are being learned every day, as the team as Willows Veterinary Centre and Referral Service in the West Midlands is discovering...

26 mins

An ever-increasing range of digital products and services is available to help modern veterinary practices better serve the needs of both their staff and their clients. But to make those systems work effectively and efficiently, practices must ensure all their tech is properly integrated.

14 mins

In a three-part series, vets and tech consultants Guen Bradbury and Greg Dickens look at the way technology will impact on the areas of communication, diagnostics and surgery. This first part looks at what communication technology might be coming online in the next five years and how practices can learn to select the right tools for them…

25 mins

The massive impact of coronavirus has left the world in a liminal state; a threshold between the established norms of the past, and an uncertain and unknowable future. Alan Robinson explains how to navigate this threshold by avoiding its many perils and making the most of the opportunities it provides...

22 mins

In this, the third VBJ Lockdown Lowdown, we revisit veterinary business consultant Alison Lambert to discuss all things business – from finance and furlough to waiting time and wellness.

May 2020

Figures published by HMRC have shown vets are missing out on millions of pounds in research and development (R&D) tax credits. Cheryl Teoh – senior R&D technical consultant at innovation funding consultancy Leyton UK – looks at the scheme, what can be claimed for and why vets aren’t claiming for what they are owed.

20 mins