VBJ articles

December 2017

Cash is king when it comes to practice success – yet clients increasingly prefer to pay with plastic. Adam Bernstein shows how to make savings on card fees.

10 mins

We all know social media is a necessary evil of modern veterinary practice. However, as Julia Bramble spotlights, it can be used as a powerful, bottom line-boosting tool…

32 mins

VBJ heads to Bury St Edmunds and speaks to senior partner Duncan Hole about the practice's decision to stop all large animal and equine work and become exclusively small animal.

5 mins

November 2017

Peter Edmondson, in the second of a six-part article series, summarises an Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference session on how to increase practice profit.

12 mins

Of all the debates hosted by VBJ for the Big 6 project, one of the most insightful surrounded the career landscape faced by veterinary professionals in 2017. These discussions ultimately boiled down to one question: whether professionally and financially rewarding careers can still be sustained in private practice.

4 mins

When it comes to complementary therapy, many options are available to get to the final destination. Here, Stephen Barabas identifies the correct multimodal therapies for your practice.

32 mins

Recruiting new members to join your team is one of the most crucial processes in any veterinary practice. Here, in the first of a three-part series, Ed Newbould explains the process he undertakes when choosing new staff.

22 mins

On 1 October 2017, HMRC introduced a new pre-action protocol for debt claims. Corporate lawyers Paul Taylor and Sarah Carlton explain the changes and how they are likely to affect practices chasing bad debts.

18 mins

A decision by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights has brought the question of employee monitoring to the forefront of employers’ minds once again. Mark Stevens examines the implications for UK businesses and their staff.

9 mins

Kit Sturgess looks at the decision-making process when prescribing nutraceuticals, reviews the available evidence and emphasises the importance of client comms.

22 mins

VBJ visits Kingston Veterinary Group in Hull to talk about the hospital's recent expansion and future plans to expand the group's referral services.

3 mins

October 2017

Developing a social media strategy is fundamental for your practice's ability to communicate with existing clients. However, as Justin Phillips states, it is also vital in attracting new pet owners and differentiating yourself from the others in town...

24 mins

RVC graduate Lennon Foo explains the philosophy behind his unique approach to first opinion veterinary care.

5 mins

Do we judge clients or roll our eyes at their never-ending excuses? Are we our clients’ worst enemy? Ernie Ward shares his experiences on “pet care shaming” and explains how your team can avoid inadvertently becoming a participant.

37 mins

Ray Girotti explains how being tight with standards and expectations, yet loose on how you allow your staff to achieve them, can create the right environment for teams can flourish.

23 mins

CPD can be a significant investment for a practice, but if it is well planned with good follow up it can be motivational and help deliver key practice objectives, as Nick Stuart explains.

23 mins

September 2017

Libby Kemkaran-Thompson looks at how to make the most of two very different treatments for one of the most common age-related disorders.

22 mins

Jenny Stuart explains why ensuring your staff are fairly rewarded is vital to ensure your practice runs smoothly.

24 mins

A supreme court case has potentially opened the floodgates for employees to bring claims against their employers. Lawyer Chloe Themistocleous reports.

10 mins

Alex Darvill looks at what comes first when planning a building project – the brand or the build.

23 mins