VBJ articles

December 2016

Deciding how much to charge for goods and services can prove to be a real headache for veterinary practices. Here, Zoetis’ Nick Steele explains how the firm’s Profit Solver tool can help.

16 mins

November 2016

Adam Bernstein discusses why, despite technological advances, it will always be the staff who make the difference between success and failure in practice.

20 mins

Space comes at a premium and most practices have a finite amount to use when it comes to the waiting area. However, by following a few simple rules, much can be achieved with even the smallest space, as John O'Connor explains.

8 mins

If you’re wondering how companies develop a culture, then you’re already moving in the right direction, as Mike Clare explains.

16 mins

You may think your practice management system is already running to its full potential. But, as Nick Lloyd explains, when it comes to administration, data transfer and disease control, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

20 mins

It can be easy to overlook the value of developing strong supplier relationships. Fitzpatrick Referrals’ business development manager Ray Girotti explains why it pays to work with businesses that support you.

17 mins

The Insurance Act 2015 came in on 12 August 2016 and brought the most significant reform to insurance law in more than 100 years, according to Simon Brooks.

11 mins

Chanticleer looks at why "our economic future is sailing into unchartered waters".

13 mins

With much debate about the under-representation of women in leadership roles, Sarah Page-Jones discusses how a gender-neutral approach could be more accessible for female leaders.

23 mins

October 2016

Dave Nicol explains how, when it comes to getting good outcomes for pets in the consulting room, it’s all about performance – and not clinical performance, either.

16 mins

People are becoming more and more aware of the value of their data and, even more importantly, the impact if that data is misused, says Neil Matthews.

10 mins

Digital media has revolutionised the way many vets and VNs fulfil their CPD obligations. Accessing learning online is often cheaper, faster and more convenient than traditional modalities. So, is there still a case to be made for event-based learning? James Westgate reports.

16 mins

Verity Johnson discusses why the attributes that make for wonderfully caring individuals and teams often come with a personal price.

8 mins

In a world where consumers seem to have an awful lot of rights and businesses precious few, where do practices stand when they buy products and services that subsequently fail to live up to the promises made? Adam Bernstein explains some of the do’s and don’ts of buying for business.

15 mins

September 2016

Dr Ernie Ward explains what modern veterinary practices can do to promote active advocacy, create value and boost credibility in the new trust economy.

21 mins

Wendy McGrandles, one of the UK’s leading exponents of complementary therapies and holistic veterinary medicine, explains how to make it work for you and your clients.

22 mins

Four years ago the starting gun was fired on a workplace pension revolution. Known as auto-enrolment, its aim is to ensure we all have enough income to live on when we get old. Adam Bernstein explains.

16 mins

Branding has been described as delivering on a promise made. Here, Alison Lambert asks what your practice can do to ensure it delivers on its promises.

16 mins

"In the end, we can have a palace of smoked glass and stainless steel with all the toys in the world, but unless we engage with tomorrow’s pet owners on their terms, we’ll struggle to make a viable business," writes Chanticleer.

13 mins

Find out why more and more veterinary practices are using Manx Telecom’s Chameleon Direct SIMs to get the best mobile phone coverage when out on call.

8 mins