VBJ articles

October 2015

I explained in part 2 how to advertise in a way that will attract non-UK vets … more

11 mins

Organic traffic is when visitors are brought to your site by performing a specific search that … more

14 mins

We see plenty of evidence for the feminisation of the veterinary profession in our business. CVS currently … more

15 mins

For business owners, putting instructions in place for loved ones is particularly critical, as it is … more

18 mins

There is a tendency among veterinary practice owners to feel they have to do all the … more

15 mins

Three companies working in different fields of pain management spoke to VBJ to explain how they … more

20 mins

September 2015

I was there in 1978 with all my buddies. That year marked the first blitz of … more

16 mins

The benefits of using nurses to communicate with clients, usually about preventive health care, have … more

24 mins

While veterinary practices are primarily involved with animal welfare, many now sell an increasing number of … more

18 mins

With so many people using LinkedIn as a business tool, enabling individual employees to make connections … more

16 mins

In part 1 we talked about the large pool of non-UK vets looking for job opportunities in … more

12 mins

August 2015

So you’re thinking of hiring a recent graduate, but are concerned about the risks involved. Some of … more

26 mins

Dave Nicol turned his world upside down when he moved to Sydney in 2009 to … more

8 mins

The future can look like a scary place. A huge amount has been written in … more

18 mins

All veterinary practices want to be able to reach out and find their ideal clients. That … more

15 mins

In the past, a successful veterinary practice would expect to generate around 25 per cent … more

7 mins

Ask most people what “branding” means to them and chances are they’ll come back with something … more

18 mins

When I talk to employers they often tell me there is a shortage of vets or … more

10 mins

Oh no. We overhauled our practice website a couple of years ago and it needs doing … more

16 mins

July 2015

Some members of the veterinary profession who will freely admit to only possessing superficial knowledge … more

15 mins