VBJ articles

February 2014

Insuring the nation’s pets is big business and practices with trained staff can play an … more

20 mins

Taking on students and schoolchildren to carry out work placements can be a good way … more

22 mins

January 2014

CPD doesn’t have to be a chore; a task that is undertaken grudgingly. If set … more

19 mins

Active, bonded clients are the backbone of any practice. ROB TILLYARD looks at utilising your … more

10 mins

Tax and succession issues for a business are intertwined and without careful planning can leave … more

20 mins

Running things your way is a powerful vision, but can be a path fraught with … more

31 mins

No business is so much of an island that it can operate independently and, from … more

19 mins

December 2013

• For many, RCVS council can seem remote and inaccessible. However, this couldn’t be further from … more

9 mins

• Ever wanted to build a practice mobile app and wondered how to get in the … more

9 mins

• There is an unprecedented shift in the responsibility of taxation affairs when someone decides to … more

17 mins

• Purchasing equipment is clearly not an inexpensive proposition and there is rarely a good time … more

11 mins

• Do you walk into your surgery, eyes drawn to the Blu-Tack marks on your magnolia … more

16 mins

• A well-constructed and implemented reminder system for veterinary services and sales products can work wonders … more

7 mins

• In a tough economy, with interest rates at an all-time low, why would anyone want … more

7 mins

• Privacy issues, data losses and misuse of private information have never been so prominent, and … more

17 mins

• HMRC now has the power to impose fines on businesses for poor record keeping before … more

18 mins

• Business rates constitute one of the biggest fixed costs your veterinary practice will have. However, … more

17 mins

• As business needs change one would imagine it is reasonable for employers to alter their … more

10 mins

October 2013

Every business needs to recruit, but it is important to know how to do so … more

8 mins

If potential clients don’t engage with your website within two to five seconds, you’ve probably … more

16 mins