VBJ articles

November 2012

New rules now in force mean businesses could pay dearly for any health and safety … more

9 mins

A recently held event, by SPVS and the VPMA, has illustrated how new technology is … more

8 mins

Engaging a lawyer with specialist veterinary experience when preparing detailed business agreements is essential. Not … more

7 mins

Divorce is, sadly, becoming more common and can lead to particularly awkward situations, especially where … more

9 mins

The growth of online shopping shows no sign of abating. According to IMRG – the membership … more

19 mins

Hacking, online security breaches, phishing, cloning, theft by staff – call it what you will, computer security … more

18 mins

Online users who are blogging could serve your practice well. With time and some effort, … more

9 mins

Weight gain isn’t just an issue for humans, it’s something animals suffer from too, and … more

11 mins

As the supermarkets have found, a well-run loyalty scheme can pay dividends. Veterinary practice group … more

8 mins

The past few years have seen unprecedented levels of director and company scrutiny. Both investors, … more

18 mins

October 2012

The Government is introducing new laws requiring all employers to automatically enrol their workers into … more

8 mins

An unhealthy proportion of people have not made a will. Throw into the mix a … more

12 mins

A practice that changes its outlook on recruitment can make radical inroads to changing both … more

21 mins

STUART CHAMBERLAIN is an author and consultant in employment law at Croner. IN 2010, AS … more

10 mins

IMAGING METHODS, INCLUDING digital radiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), are becoming … more

13 mins

DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING HAS changed beyond all recognition in recent years. If you are excited about … more

3 mins

Despite the national minimum wage being in force for 13 years, employers are still making … more

10 mins

ROB TILLYARD cautions that unless practices are vigilant, they risk having IT systems and data … more

10 mins

September 2012

Many practices are set up as a sole trader, a limited company or, to a … more

17 mins

Veterinary practices, like other businesses, suffer from unpaid bills and bad debts. The law can … more

17 mins