November 2021

The past 18 months have left veterinary teams across the country stretched to their limit. This has left many feeling depleted and burnt out, so should we be asking what we ourselves can do to help our own well-being?

28 mins

October 2021

Do you love your job, every day? What about your team? Jesse McCall (Institute for Healthcare Improvement) and RCVS Knowledge set out a practical, evidence-based framework for overcoming burnout that puts teams in the best position to deliver top-quality care…

31 mins

September 2021

Technology has played an increasingly important role across the veterinary sector during the past 18 months of the coronavirus pandemic. But as Greg Dickens discusses, what does the future bring and how might technological advances change the way you work in the future…?

17 mins

Steve Bailey, a partner at Space Coaching Services, discusses the value of identifying your “moonshot” – a compelling prospect of where your veterinary clinic is heading and where it plans to be…

24 mins

Anderson Moores was established in August 2006, and since then its story has been one of spectacular growth and development. And despite the impact of coronavirus and two recent changes of ownership, its rapid rise has continued unabated, as VBJ discovered when we caught up with director David Walker…

48 mins

In a world of increased corporate ownership it can be easy to think the number of career paths open to vets has also become increasingly limited. But if you play your cards right, plenty of options are still open for those who know how to take them…

34 mins

August 2021

Woodcroft Veterinary Group has been expanding steadily in the Stockport and Cheadle area since the business was first established 45 years ago. In 2019 the six-branch practice opened the doors to a new 24-hour hospital, and it’s a facility that’s certainly proved its worth during the past 18 months…

If you are one of nature’s wonders – good at everything – then good for you; you truly are a rarity. Mere mortals like the rest of us, or those who want to grow and develop their practice to be more than a “one-man band”, will need a strong team to ensure they can deliver the performance and standard of care patients and clients deserve…

27 mins

Geoff Potts had worked at the Alder practice in Liverpool for more than 22 years when the practice joined Medivet in 2015. Here, in this VBJ Partnerships Insight, he outlines the benefits this decision has brought, not just to him, but to the 24-hour hospital’s patients and his dedicated veterinary team…

16 mins

Cyberattacks are nothing new. However, now the intrusions are far more dangerous – and the veterinary world has proved to be far from immune from this insidious and potentially costly threat…

23 mins

Headline figures for investing in diagnostic imaging equipment can appear high at first glance – especially when other costs like installation and staff training are considered. The reality, though, is that it remains one of the best investments you can make in your practice…

19 mins

July 2021

After working as a firefighter for some of the UK’s largest corporate vet groups, Iris Kestemont joined a growing band of pandemic pioneers and opened her own practice earlier this year. The Peacocks Veterinary Clinic in Corsham has not been in business long, but Iris is already enjoying the chance to practise what she has long preached…

38 mins

The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted the impact social interaction has on our general well-being, and shone a light on the need for all of us to have a greater focus on our mental and physical health. So it has been more important to find effective ways to keep ourselves “above the line”…

29 mins

Challenging situations are a given in life as a farm vet. David Anderson, member of the VetPartners Wellbeing Group and practising vet at Westpoint Farm Vets in Derbyshire, shares his insights into how vets can stay resilient and on top of their game – no matter the situation…

22 mins

June 2021

After banging her head against the glass ceiling for years, Shelley Cook decided to take matters into her own hands and opened her own practice. She describes the decision as “like jumping off a cliff without a parachute”, but it seems Shelley and her team at Little Rock Equine Vets have made the perfect landing…

32 mins

In this article, Caroline Allen discusses early research and the challenges of dealing with bereavement during a pandemic.

22 mins

COVID has created a challenging environment, but it has also created new opportunities, meaning it has never been more critical that veterinary practices – especially independents – have the tools and resources they need to take advantage. Now, thanks to Covetrus, those tools and resources are being made available to practices across the UK following the launch of its new business consultancy service, InsightOne.

13 mins

The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent national lockdowns sparked a pet-buying boom on an almost unprecedented scale. Microchipping can provide the perfect opportunity for your practice to bond with this potential army of new clients…

17 mins

May 2021

The result of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront the importance of air purity rather than simply air replacement and cooling...

19 mins

In this VBJ Technology Insight feature, Hallmarq discusses improving access to the benefits of advanced imaging.

7 mins