Pain management

Pain management

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Pain management

Clinical presentations, and the use of pain scoring and telemedicine for diagnosing lameness in cats and dogs.

Pouncing on pain – managing feline orthopaedic conditions

Karen Perry discusses two commonly encountered causes of lameness in cats, and evaluates the experience and literature base used to direct diagnosis and treatment.

77 mins
Cannabidiol: what is it, what can it do and why is it controversial?

Siobhan Menzies and Louise Clark, in the first of a two-part article, cover the history of hemp, phytochemistry and studies into this compound’s effects.

42 mins
Arthritis in feline patients – best advice to give owners

Karen Perry discusses the diagnosis and treatment of OA, and the importance of cat owner education in their success.

66 mins
Chronic pain in companion animals

Jo Murrell discusses diagnosis and treatment of this issue, including the use of clinical metrology instruments to quantify it.

64 mins
Video consultations: here to stay

Ross Allan and Stuart Carmichael explore techniques their vet practice has developed for using this form of telemedicine in the small animal sector.

39 mins
Management of OA part 2: plan for life

Ross Allan and Stuart Carmichael continue their advocation of having dedicated teams for this issue by discussing the importance of addressing both an immediate and long-term strategy.

37 mins
Management of OA part 1 – time for a change in direction?

Ross Allan and Stuart Carmichael discuss the potential for practices to set up dedicated clinics for this issue – making use of the whole clinical team, as well as assessment tools and online support.

40 mins
Managing chronic pain in cats and dogs

Karen Walsh discusses the importance and process of detection and treatment in both canine and feline patients.

49 mins
Pain behaviours in dogs and cats

Niamh Clancy discusses common behaviours seen in companion animals and the use of scoring charts in veterinary practice.

25 mins
General OA and joint pain: updates, actions and guiding clients

Emma Gerrard provides an overview of this joint condition in cats and dogs, including what's new, management strategies and owner guidance.

30 mins
OA treatment and management protocols part 3: future directions

Karen Perry, in the final of a three-part article, discusses promising prospective treatments for this disorder in dogs.

24 mins
OA treatment and management protocols – part 2: case study

Karen Perry uses a case involving a German shepherd dog to demonstrate successful treatment of this condition.

48 mins
OA treatment and management part 1: pathophysiology of pain

Karen Perry, in the first of a three-part article series, looks at latest thinking on functional changes related to this disorder in dogs.

25 mins