Mónica Guerrero-Méndez discusses safe steps for ensuring a safe hibernation for tortoises, including the best advice to provide owners before starting and medical problems that can occur.
Marco Falchieri describes the origin of this worldwide common respiratory pathogen, its diagnosis and, as no therapy is available, advises a preventive approach is critical.
Sarah Caney discusses some of the ways in which high blood pressure can be diagnosed in cats, using methods such as ophthalmoscopy, and how this can be managed.
Florence Vessieres and David Walker, in part two of their article, consider enteropathies in identifying the cause of vomiting and diarrhoea, and treatment trials in cases with no definitive diagnosis.
Jordi Lopez-Alvarez recalls the case of a seven-week-old cocker spaniel puppy that presented with a fast heart rate, before discussing how a patent ductus arteriosus develops.
Veronica Roberts looks at some of the possible causes of weight loss in horses, using gastrointestinal disease as the main focus, and suggests ways of testing for its origin.
Florence Vessieres and David Walker, in part one of a two-part article, discuss how to assess intestinal disorders in cats and dogs and ways of managing the clinical signs of developing diseases.
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is an exaggerated inflammatory condition that can start from a local source, yet becomes widely systemic.
Samantha Taylor describes the diagnosis and treatment of commonly reported – and more unusual – objects swallowed by cats, as revealed in an International Cat Care survey.
Roy Earle discusses signs, aetiology and treatment – as well as the importance of owner understanding – concerning consults in which parrots display feather plucking.
Antonia Mavropoulou summarises the clinical signs of this condition in cats and dogs before outlining common treatment medications and an approximate dosage for each.
Jon Parsons and Jon Mouncey look at herd diagnostics used to identify the disease, persistently infected animals, common entry into the herd, biosecurity, vaccination and health schemes.
Johnny (Ioannis) Plessas looks at diagnosing some of the most common causes of pain in this part of the canine body and assessing the best form of treatment.
Ariane Neuber advises on management strategies, along with examples, for a selection of skin ailments veterinary nurses should be aware of in practice.
Kevin Eatwell reviews the steps to be taken in stabilising shell injuries in tortoises and then moves on to the methods used in repair to ensure successful outcomes.
Tim Potter explores the causes of an illness that costs the global cattle industry millions of pounds every year – and why treatment should aim to reduce the risk factors.