Preventive health

Preventive health

Preventive health

From preventing disease through vaccination and worming, to the role of yard health plans and engaging owners.

Sweet itch and allergies: spring and summer treatment options

Jamie Prutton discusses insect bite hypersensitivity and atopic dermatitis and equids, and options for controlling the seasonal ills.

21 mins
Caring for geriatric equids

Nicola Menzies-Gow discusses issues that may arise with older horses, including aspects of nutrition and common diseases.

60 mins
Getting ahead of equine health: how to be more proactive in...

Zoë Gratwick runs through some of the considerations for adopting a more preventive approach to equine veterinary health care.

25 mins
Preventive health and welfare in horses: what to tell owners

Liz Mitchell discusses setting up individual and yard health plans with equine owners to help prevent disease spread.

22 mins