Respiratory diseases
Treatment, prevention and surveillance of a range of airway diseases, including equine flu and equine herpesvirus.
Rachel Agass and David Rendle discuss the diagnosis and management of some of the most common diseases of the equine respiratory tract: recurrent laryngeal neuropathy, palatal dysfunction and equine asthma.
Sarah Gough and David Rendle discuss the diagnosis and treatment of mild and marked forms of the disease, including environmental management.
James Crabtree discusses that “oh my God” moment when a confirmed case of equine viral arteritis lands in your inbox – what it means, its consequences and what has to be done.
Lara Gosling, Jonathon Dixon and David Rendle discuss using thoracic radiography and ultrasonography to identify and monitor progression of this disease.
Lara Gosling, Jonathon Dixon and David Rendle – in the first of a two-part article – review sampling of the lower airway tract.