March 2020

European body says short-term manufacture and delivery of veterinary medicines is secure, but it is assessing the rapidly developing situation.

4 mins

“Following our urgent requests for clarification through lobbying the Government, veterinary surgeries have now been explicitly listed as an exception to the closures” – BVA/RCVS.

7 mins

Clients are being asked to wait in cars, pets are being transported and video consults are all part of the measures introduced at Hamilton Specialist Referrals.

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“Personal and public safety overrides animal welfare” — Niall Connell, RCVS president.

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“In the interests of safety and complying with Government advice, vet practices should only be delivering emergency treatment and urgent care, and should be cancelling routine and non-urgent appointments.”

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Association writes to its members in light of latest COVID-19 restrictions – interpreting their work is “deemed essential”, but stressing health and safety is paramount.

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Veterinary surgeon made unemployed by coronavirus pandemic makes face masks to raise cash while she waits to see if she can get at job at Tesco.

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The Kennel Club and its charities will help support canine organisations and rescues that have been affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

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The group has written an open letter to a host of Government departments – including the chancellor of the exchequer and Defra – urging more support for veterinary businesses.

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MSD offering guidance at round table event to address vet questions about vaccination protocols during COVID-19 crisis.

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Video consults, text chats, contactless payment system and ambulance pet collection will reduce risk of coronavirus spreading.

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In a statement posted on its blog, the association advises profession to make the most of online chat forums, emails and telephone calls during coronavirus crisis.

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Cancel all non-emergency work, try to work from home and stick together are key messages from the association’s president.

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“Without an urgent input of funds, the charity is likely to close on 31 March 2020,” says trust.

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Royal college working with Defra and other veterinary organisations to provide life-saving equipment for coronavirus front-line fight.

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RCVS and BVA issue joint guidance on ‘key worker’ status for veterinary surgeons.

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Association promises registration fee refunds actioned on a “first booked, first refunded” basis.

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Charities for animal welfare assessing likely impact of coronavirus crisis and hoping UK reality won't match that of Wuhan.

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“We are asking for an assurance from governments across the UK that veterinary practices will also be included in the scope for support and recognised as a business critical service” – BVA.

8 mins

RVC principal says despite the death, no evidence that companion animals can infect humans exists.

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