October 2016

BVA research has revealed more than half of UK vets saw tortoises with weight loss or anorexia following their last hibernation, possibly down to owners using shoeboxes to house their resting pets.

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A joint letter has been sent to the Prime Minister by the RCVS and the BVA highlighting concerns about how Brexit is impacting the veterinary profession.

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The UK's largest cat charity has launched a campaign to help stamp out the sale of sick and underage kittens by unscrupulous dealers.

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The event on 24 November also includes a session on the future of Schedule 3 and one-on-one Practice Standard Scheme surgeries.

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A 10-year-old terrier-cross living at Dogs Trust in Manchester needs to lose half its bodyweight to enjoy a full life, say staff.

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Liz Harwood of Hook Norton Veterinary Practice in Oxon has won the Virbac 3D Worming Equine SQP of the Year Award for her dedication to the responsible prescribing of equine POM-VPS medicines.

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The successful candidate will receive a £2,000 bursary for their ongoing marketing training and development, as well as a personal prize of £500 in cash.

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A baby boy has died and another child seriously injured after they were attacked by a dog in Colchester.

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A police dog critically stabbed in the line of duty has been saved after receiving emergency surgery.

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A dog’s life has been transformed after a vet removed a 10in growth from between its back legs that was seriously hindering its mobility.

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A Glasgow vet will be recognised with a special award from the International Fund for Animal Welfare at the House of Lords, honouring her work to help homeless people and their dogs.

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The research institute says it hopes the events will provide farmers, vets and SQPs with information to maximise the health, productivity and profitability of Britain’s livestock.

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The forthcoming episode will feature interviews with hospital staff, patient journeys and tips for viewers to help look for signs of cancer in their pets.

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The Sheep Veterinary Society will be holding the ninth International Sheep Veterinary Congress in Harrogate from 22-26 May 2017.

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A 21-day marathon bike ride through the Scottish highlands and islands has raised £5,000 for the Vetlife and Vet Trust charities.

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A reagent is under investigation that negates the need for antibodies raised in small animals and instead uses the protein integrin αvβ6 to bind the FMD virus in samples.

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A unique, evidence-based campaign to help horse owners spot the first signs of colic has been launched by the British Horse Society.

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Fans flocked from around the globe to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alf Wight, the vet and author known by his pseudonym James Herriot.

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Four people are to be sentenced for conspiracy to commit fraud after the RSPCA received dozens of calls from members of the public about being sold sick and dying puppies.

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Vets should harden protocols to help dog owners maintain up-to-date microchip details following the release of figures suggesting thousands of family pets are being “needlessly” euthanised.

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