August 2023

Moredun Research Institute announces partnership with University of Glasgow, University of New England in Australia and The James Hutton Institute to develop new on-farm worm control product.

4 mins

An appeal set up following high demand for transfusions has enjoyed “a fantastic response”, according to its organiser.

5 mins

Government officials say final plans will be published “shortly”, but the BVA president says measures must be implemented quickly.

5 mins

Dog owners have been urged to be cautious following what experts say is an unusual case because of its occurrence in the summer.

4 mins

Fourteen projects are being backed in the latest stage of the scheme that aims to improve welfare and productivity in the sector.

7 mins

Cats Protection officials said the analysis, which has been published in the PLOS One journal, marks a major step forward in understanding of how different population sub-groups connect with each other.

10 mins

Analysis from the University of Bristol Veterinary School has found a mutually beneficial relationship exists between unhoused pet owners and their dogs, but suggests service providers do more to accommodate it.

5 mins

The RCVS is set to extend the circumstances in which vets can prescribe antibiotics, but the BVA says many professionals feel “inadequately prepared” for implementation of the new rules.

11 mins

Bosses say the system will enhance the expertise of human veterinary teams, rather than replacing it.

4 mins

Navaratnam Partheeban said the company’s record on diversity issues drew him to his new senior regional farm role.

5 mins

The charity says reports of dumped animals rose by 14% in the first half of this year and it is now spending thousands of pounds a week on private boarding because its facilities are full.

5 mins

New figures show contacts to the veterinary charity’s helpline are up around 11% so far this year, though the rate of increase has slowed in recent months.

5 mins

The medication saved a young cat after it was found to have contracted FIP.

3 mins

BSAVA PetSavers is inviting applications for financial support to fund research into diseases affecting bull terriers and border terriers.

4 mins

July 2023

More than 16,000 people have already signed a new online petition, after measures intended to tackle the problem were dropped with the demise of the Kept Animals Bill last month.

12 mins

Only a “durable and sustainable” solution will be acceptable to resolve the issue in the long term, says Defra.

12 mins

New figures have revealed a sharp increase in reported cases with five cats being deliberately harmed every day last year.

7 mins

Officials hope findings will help them develop new support materials for both staff and employers alike.

6 mins

The project at Aberystwyth University has been warmly welcomed by sector leaders as the profession continues to grapple with its workforce challenges.

10 mins

Officials have said “incredible progress” has been made since the two charities joined forces last year, with the support of private practices critical to maintaining care access for low-income pet owners.

7 mins