December 2015

Fourth year vet students at Bristol Veterinary School hosted a candlelit carol service for fellow … more

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From 18 December porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED) will become a notifiable disease in England, at … more

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The nominations deadline for the International Canine Health Awards has been extended to 8 January … more

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A tiger has travelled 250 miles from Chester Zoo to its new home at Paignton … more

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Dogs Trust Newbury is celebrating its own Christmas miracle after three puppies were found alive … more

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Pet owners are being reminded of the dangers chocolate can pose to dogs by veterinary … more

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Dogs Trust has expressed deep regret and disappointment at the Scottish Government’s plans to consult … more

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The Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats standing committee has … more

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Scientists have detected the first plasmid mediated colistin resistance (mcr-1) gene in food and human … more

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The National Sheep Association (NSA) has teamed up with three companies for its membership recruitment … more

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The veterinary profession is being urged to nominate colleagues for this year’s Ceva Animal Welfare … more

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The search is on to find Royal Tunbridge Wells’ “most deserving dog”. The award, launched … more

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Vets4PetS and Companion Care have launched their Vet Report 2015 for pet owners. The report … more

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Dog owners are being given advice on how to keep themselves and their pets safe … more

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The RVC is running a five-day residential course in Principles and Practice in Veterinary Education … more

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Veterinary digital content supplier Vetstream is collaborating with the International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA) to … more

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Problems surrounding pet overfeeding will be the focus of Dog Obesity Awareness Week, an initiative … more

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Experts from across the agricultural and veterinary industry will be heading to Cumbria to share … more

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The RSPCA has revealed a list of the UK’s puppy farming hot spots. With reports … more

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An urgent appeal has been launched in a bid to raise ÂŁ4,000 for an emergency … more

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