December 2023

European Medicines Agency issues positive opinion for MSD Animal Healthā€™s Bravecto, which, if approved, would be ā€œfirst and only once-yearly injectable flea and tick medicationā€ for dogs.

4 mins

New rules will mean that vets in England will be able to undertake inspections for all types of pre-movement licences remotely by video.Ā 

4 mins

The team at North Downs Specialist Referrals used immunotherapy to treat cancer in young podenco.

4 mins

The Government appears to reaffirm support for culling, following recent commitments against it by Labour, during the National TB Conference in Worcester.

14 mins

Canadian non-profit Veterinarians Without Borders, which provides an emergency response and offers on-the-ground support following disasters, has rebranded to expand its reach into the US.

4 mins

Association of animal medicine companies said measures to ban use of several pesticide substances would severely reduce treatment options.

12 mins

The scheme is intended to help managers after a policy of paid compassionate leave was introduced earlier this year.

4 mins

SPVS fears plans to curb legal immigration will damage functioning of sector, and calls for ā€œcollective dialogueā€ about Government proposals.

11 mins

Two cattle in Norfolk have been confirmed to have the disease, although officials insist there is still no sign the virus is circulating.

3 mins

World Horse Welfare has urged EU member states to back measures to cut the maximum journey time for animals being taken to slaughter.

5 mins

Nine animals have now been found to have the disease since the first infection was discovered in Kent last month.

3 mins

Veronica Gonzalo Nadal, Hamish Glover and Virginia Crespo join Basildon referral centre.

3 mins

The RCVS plans to issue new guidance before its new EMS rules come into force next year, but the BVU wants more done to prevent students being ā€œimpoverishedā€.

14 mins

Test groups are being recruited in a move project leaders hope will encourage thousands more producers to sign up to the scheme in 2024.

4 mins

The BVA, which proposed the extension, welcomes assurance from Defra, but warned its concerns about health implications for affected dogs, together with sectorā€™s capacity to deal with the ban, still stand.

13 mins

Although latest figures suggest public demand is starting to wane, a new report has called for all stakeholders, including vets, to do more.

13 mins

BEVA officials thrilled with interest shown in their new programme at the ExCel event later this month.

4 mins

November 2023

More than 250 delegates including senior vets, farmersā€™ leaders and government officials attended the event in Worcester, which focused on the need for collaboration to eradicate the disease.

5 mins

The Scottish Dog and Cat Home says the number of rehoming requests is so high it can only take in a fraction of the animals that need its help.

5 mins

Seadown Veterinary Services team performs what could be UKā€™s first cataract operation on the species.

5 mins