RVC cardiologists have developed the world’s first interactive virtual patients, providing students with an interactive and challenging learning experience in a safe environment.
The BVA has expressed concern over a survey demonstrating more than half of responding vet practices had below average profitability, while 15% generated "a negative value for net profit".
A group of intrepid motorbiking vets have raised funds to vaccinate hundreds of equines against African horse sickness (AHS) in a remote South African region.
A new tool to support vets and pet owners in proactively managing canine arthritis was launched at the 18th European Society of Veterinary Orthopaedics and Traumatology Congress in London.
The first exhibition of winning photographs from the BVA's inaugural photography competition will take place at BVA Members' Day at the At-Bristol Science Centre on 22 September.
Many vets are failing to recognise post-neutering pain in cats, it has been claimed, with a survey showing only 33% of felines receive postoperative analgesia (at home), compared with 75% of dogs.
The RCVS has appointed Shona McIntyre and Mary de Las Casas as postgraduate deans to help guide recently graduated vets through their first few years in practice.
Being bitten on the first day of a Mission Rabies vaccination programme for the second year running hasn't put vet Fiona Thomson off her desire to help a charity's efforts to stamp out the disease.