July 2023

The association has set up a range of resources and tailored support to help boost retention as part of its Good Veterinary Workplaces initiative.

4 mins

Holidaymakers heading to the island are being asked to take precautions to reduce the risk of importing feline infectious peritonitis into the UK.

4 mins

Sue Paterson told guests at Royal College Day the sector needed to “sell” itself more to address its current workforce challenges.

11 mins

DWR Veterinary Specialists using state-of-the-art laser system to treat eye problems in horses and dogs.

3 mins

Vets and veterinary nurses are being urged to get involved in the awards, which have been running for more than 60 years.

5 mins

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) said high veterinary care costs are behind the surge, despite estimates a lack of cover could actually be saving the industry billions more.

12 mins

Emma King recognised for her work at Poultry Health Services at the National Egg and Poultry Awards.

4 mins

Linnaeus-owned Veterinary Vision opens larger referral centre close to its previous base.

5 mins

Registrations have opened for the 2024 congress in Birmingham, where a former rower and diplomat will share her insights with delegates.

3 mins

Disciplinary committee said it was “firmly of the opinion” that it would not be in the public interest to grant Warwick Seymour-Hamilton’s latest bid for restoration to the RCVS register.

7 mins

Oscar Sinfield hopes to raise thousands of pounds for Vetlife by cycling to all of Somerset’s veterinary practices in just two days.

6 mins

A locum vet, who was prevented from carrying out a dental procedure after drinking by the intervention of a veterinary nurse, has apologised for his actions to a disciplinary committee.

6 mins

Paula Boyden to receive One Health Award before addressing delegates at WSAVA World Congress 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal in September.

5 mins

Zoetis said one health and sustainability pledges were key to its ongoing work, as was work on health projects in partnership with vet schools and other research bodies.

Idea was put forward by PDSA’s Sean Wensley as several leading figures from the veterinary and welfare sectors gave evidence to a Parliamentary inquiry examining welfare issues.

12 mins

Three-year-old McCoy was found to have pulmonic stenosis, of which few cases are reported globally.

3 mins

Emma Laws is now set to lead London Vet Specialists’ planned move into new premises next year as part of her remit to grow its operations.

4 mins

The RSPCA has warned that cases of animals being beaten or killed in suspicious circumstances are both on the rise, and vets can help by raising concerns with the organisation.

5 mins

Melissa Donald told a committee of MPs the issue was one of many that emphasised the need for new legislation governing the professions.

12 mins

Academics leading the project hope it will lead to the creation of a new global resource of data to help people caring for the threatened species.

6 mins