March 2021

ā€œBased on past experience of this Government, I also have no confidence in any commitments ministers make in relation to future start dates. It truly is an appalling situation, and amounts to a betrayal of vets and, indeed, the Governmentā€™s supposed Brexit idealā€ ā€“ Diederick Opperman, managing director of HallMark Veterinary and Compliance Services.

11 mins

RCVSā€™ flagship replacement of Professional Development Phase gathering pace, with new guidance document brought out by college and changes to code of conduct agreed ahead of summer launch.

8 mins

Defra had asked the RCVS to allow temporary registration of suitably qualified and supervised non-UK qualified vets to work in narrow and specific areas as OVs.

4 mins

World title and British record for sporty vet who only turned to indoor rowing to fill a void during lockdown.

7 mins

The Farm Vet Champions project is spearheaded by RCVS Knowledge, largely to empower general practice vets with advice on responsible antibiotic use on farms.

8 mins

Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland has commissioned analysis of options to deliver more vets for the nation, including through home vet school.

9 mins

Delegates at BSAVA Virtual Congress (25 to 27 March) will be able to view exclusive video content, as well as ask questions and get advice from five-time European champion Laura Muir.

6 mins

ā€œCloser collaboration will improve the chances for the tens of thousands of orphans that weā€™ll see in the coming monthsā€ ā€“ Wildlife Aid Foundation.

5 mins

Chartered Trading Standards Institute warns veterinary professionals about UK Pet Chip Registry, which claims it will add pet microchip details to national database that does not meet UK Government standards.

9 mins

Despite decision by preliminary investigation committee of the RCVS to close case into bullying allegations, Prof Argyle takes personal decision to resign from council.

6 mins

After 12 months of epidemiological detective work, Small Animal Veterinary Surveillance Network researchers identify variant of canine enteric coronavirus as the probable cause of acute onset prolific vomiting.

8 mins

UK charity helps students from across the world with online teaching during the COVID-19 lockdowns.

5 mins

ā€œAt a time when there are ongoing concerns about veterinary capacity, the sector really needs as much notice as possible to adjust to new demands and shifting timetables.ā€ ā€“ BVA.

4 mins

RCVS initiative holding interactive sessions on autism and dyslexia in the professions to mark week of celebrations for differences in human brains and thinking.

4 mins

Six-year-old dachshund-cross had electrochemotherapy treatment for growth discovered by accident on underside of tongue.

4 mins

French bulldog Gus was on a downward spiral until multidisciplinary approach at London Vet Specialists solved rare case.

8 mins

Speakers including BVA junior vice-president Justine Shotton, and head of European Scientific Counsel Companion Animal Parasites UK and Ireland Ian Wright to feature in event tomorrow (11 March).

3 mins

Since itā€™s a live event, students will feel as if they are right in the room shadowing the vetā€ ā€“ Alex Davies, chief mentor for veterinary with Vet Mentor.

9 mins

The Moredun Foundation Equine Grass Sickness Fund hasĀ launched a three-year fellowship to help develop multidisciplinary approaches to research.

4 mins

Courses by Ashworth Veterinary Group to tackle behavioural issues in locked-down puppies have proved huge hit with waiting list for future events.

6 mins