March 2020

“In the interests of safety and complying with Government advice, vet practices should only be delivering emergency treatment and urgent care, and should be cancelling routine and non-urgent appointments.”

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In a statement posted on its blog, the association advises profession to make the most of online chat forums, emails and telephone calls during coronavirus crisis.

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Cancel all non-emergency work, try to work from home and stick together are key messages from the association’s president.

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Association promises registration fee refunds actioned on a “first booked, first refunded” basis.

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Due to a combination of factors, many dogs with rescue backup microchips are unnecessarily euthanised, campaigners claim.

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Firm offering customers CPD sessions as live virtual stream to help veterinary professionals keep on top of learning during COVID-19 period.

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Leading veterinary infection control expert warns the profession of possible difficult choices ahead between animal welfare and disease spread.

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Veterinary nurse will trek between Kendal and Windermere as part of the Lake District Ultra Challenge to raise money for a brain tumour charity.

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College says in the “exceptional circumstances” it accepts vet personnel may have to make clinical and professional judgements to safeguard themselves, their colleagues and public health.

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A month at the vets, including two weeks in an intensive care unit and round-the-clock treatment by eight different vet teams, sees spaniel Morgan fully recover from “most severe” case of tetanus they have seen.

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Vet training in the country is poor, with surgeries such as spaying and neutering not being taught, and gas anaesthesia unavailable to animals.

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Around 850 delegates, including vets, vet nurses and practice managers, are expected to attend critical care event featuring lecture streams for people at every stage of their veterinary careers.

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The accurate replica of a young grey seal weighs 30kg, has 3cm of blubber and contains a 3D-printed skeleton.

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WSAVA advisory document confirms no evidence exists that pets or other domestic animals can be infected with 2019 n-CoV or that they may be a source of infection to people.

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February 2020

“It is fantastic to see that this year’s results demonstrate a significant increase in CPD compliance rates after a number of years in decline for vets and a largely static rate for veterinary nurses” - RCVS director of education Linda Prescott-Clements.

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Applications to study the degree, which will be delivered predominantly via distance learning, will start in September 2020 or January 2021.

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A veterinary nurse from Nottinghamshire is in the running for a prestigious industry award thanks to her willingness to go the extra mile.

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Final-year masters student is asking vet nurses and student vet nurses to complete a survey investigating VN and vet relationships.

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Some 35 officials of vet and vet nursing governing bodies sign an open letter to colleagues urging them to stop vicious, personal online attacks on them.

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Course is aimed at vets and VNs who wish to build their confidence and take the lead in finding the condition in cats in their practice.

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