October 2016

UK vets are putting extra pressure on themselves by failing to make the best use of the skills and experience of their veterinary nursing teams, according to business consultancy Onswitch.

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The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons is accepting nominations from vets and VNs who wish to stand as candidates in next year’s council elections.

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The BVNA has announced it is launching an online discussion portal at its upcoming congress.

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September 2016

A weekend packed with CPD opportunities and talks has been held by White Cross Vets to celebrate the efforts of its 150-strong team.

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The RCVS has announced its planned activity for BVNA Congress this October, including awards, lectures and Practice Standards Scheme (PSS) surgeries.

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A veterinary group based in the north and midlands combined business and pleasure when took its entire team of VNs to the south of France for three days of training.

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The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has extended the nomination period for its three honours to encourage more entries.

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August 2016

Veterinary nurses can now book on to a small animal nutrition course from Royal Canin.

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Nominations have opened for the RCVS 2017 Honours for colleagues or individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty.

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Two top veterinary surgeons have said VNs and vets need to take dental disease in practice “incredibly seriously”.

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Caitlyn Cannon, RVN at the Pets'n'Vets Family practice in Glasgow, has been appointed BVNA Scottish regional coordinator.

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A veterinary nurse has returned from a week in Croatia where she volunteered for an animal shelter, donating supplies given by Virbac.

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VNs could win a bursary worth £1,000 for a City and Guilds level four emergency and critical care course starting in October.

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An RVN will spend a day in the life of a rabbit to raise awareness of the plight of bored and lonely bunnies across the UK.

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Practice staff wanting to learn more about practical infection control – and help a charity while doing so – can participate in an online course starting on 8 August.

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July 2016

Manufacturers that strive to improve the lives of felines through innovation have been recognised by International Cat Care (ICC).

8 mins

Steps are being taken to protect the status of EU vets and vet nurses living and working in the UK following the result of the EU referendum.

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A two-day course aimed at helping vets and VNs who graduated abroad prepare for UK practice life has been confirmed for September.

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The “critical” Vet Futures and VN Futures action plans – designed to shape the profession and allow it to thrive in an increasingly uncertain future – have been unveiled.

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An online refresher course designed to keep veterinary nurses up to date on the latest microchipping requirements has been launched by the College of Animal Welfare.

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