June 2017

Gerardo Poli discusses how he uses the pancreas-specific lipase test to rule out acute pancreatitis in dogs.

5 mins

July 2016

Graham Finch hates doing dressings, so passes the torch to RVN colleague Laura for her "top tips" on the subject of dressing wounds.

2 mins

Although “off-licence”, immunotherapy is well worth considering in our pruritic feline friends. Of course we … more

3 mins

June 2016

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) is a valuable tool in subcutaneous skin masses.

2 mins

Ever had one of those cases, which seem to typically occur around this time of year, that you think must be the start of an allergic dermatitis?

2 mins

May 2016

Mature chickens normally undergo one complete moult a year, usually in autumn. However, this can depend on the time of the year the bird started laying.

2 mins

We recently had an elderly cat that presented with typical signs of hyperthyroidism. However, as is sometimes the case, total T4 proved stubbornly normal on two estimations a couple of weeks apart.

1 mins

Have you ever had a puppy that just presents with lethargy, exercise intolerance and sleeps … more

2 mins

April 2016

Nasotracheal intubation can be used as an easy, less traumatic method of rabbit intubation when … more

2 mins

Several species of lice live on chickens and cement their eggs on the base of feather shafts.

2 mins

Metabolic bone disease is a common condition seen in almost all house rabbits with dental … more

3 mins

Many dogs will not pass faeces for the first 4 to 5 days after surgery.

1 mins

March 2016

It is harder to correlate the grade of a heart murmur with the severity of the underlying heart problem in cats than it is in dogs. Some quite loud murmurs may occur with relatively small defects.

2 mins

Four parameters can be measured to objectively assess dehydration. PCV and Total Protein should be … more

2 mins

Clinical examination for dehydration is one method used for assessing whether or not an animal … more

2 mins

February 2016

Chocolate is digested much more slowly by dogs than people. Therefore symptoms may not appear … more

3 mins

Antibodies to E cuniculi in rabbits can be detected on a blood test. Hence, a rabbit … more

3 mins

Myxoedema most commonly occurs in moderate to severe cases of hypothyroidism in dogs. Thickening of … more

2 mins

Relatively common in young to middle aged dogs, idiopathic head tremors can cause concern for owners, but episodes are not painful or upsetting for the dog.

23 mins

For dogs weighing less than 15kg, cranial cruciate disease can be managed conservatively – weight loss … more

1 mins