September 2015

A venipuncture site should be chosen where the skin is clean and has no obvious … more

3 mins

Have you ever noticed that, sometimes after starving, the haematocrit (Hct) and haemoglobin (Hgb) levels appear … more

2 mins

August 2015

Cats, particularly long-haired varieties, can be carriers of ringworm but show no clinical signs at … more

2 mins

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a rapidly growing adjunctive therapy in companion animal practice. Low-level laser … more

1 mins

It’s always a real pleasure welcoming new graduates to our practice team, and we have … more

When I attended the North American Veterinary Conference back in January, I was surprised to … more

2 mins

July 2015

As well as my veterinary role, I also work part time for the Open University … more

Time for a controversial one, I feel… I have three dogs, and other than those … more

2 mins

I recently saw a challenging dermatology case involving a 14-month-old Shar Pei bitch.

I’ve just discovered the “respiratory rate calculator” by Boehringer Ingelheim, which acts as a useful tool … more

June 2015

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) can be a useful tool in cats. I see a number of … more

1 mins

While not exactly a major sign of food allergies, the number of times a day a patient … more

As spring warms up, my own nose and sinuses have detected increasing pollen levels, and there’s … more

2 mins

Owners will often ask me to view the quality of life of pet companions nearing the … more

I came across a paper that advised we should know exactly what a mass is … more

May 2015

One of my colleagues showed me a technique we found to be a really useful aid to … more

I have found acupuncture really helps some of my chronically painful canine patients, usually due … more

2 mins

One of the pleasures of having completed my dermatology certificate is that I get to … more

2 mins

I do a fair amount of dermatology in our practice, so I use the microscope … more

3 mins

April 2015

This one’s a little controversial, but some evidence exists that taking swabs for culture from cases of … more