April 2015

Demodex gatoi is an unusual cause of pruritus in cats, but given the challenging nature … more

If I am being perfectly honest, dentistry has never filled me with excitement. That said, … more

Have you ever wondered how easy (or not) it is for our clients to administer … more

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March 2015

I had the privilege of attending the North American Veterinary Community Conference in January. The … more

It occurred to me the other day I hadn’t seen an aural haematoma for some … more

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We routinely audit postoperative complications for our canine neutering surgery. Over time, it became clear we … more

A very itchy, erythematous young boxer with very sore ears came in to my consult room. … more

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Have you ever been presented with a cat you are certain has hyperthyroidism, but you can’t … more

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February 2015

I’ve come across a couple of cases of Sarcoptes this winter. Both cases were young dogs with intense … more

We had a very sad case lately of a little kitten that developed the classic … more

We do a lot of work for the local branch of the RSPCA and come … more

Quiet, lethargic, not eating very much and just generally a bit slow? It’s worthwhile tapping … more

January 2015

I recently saw a very large, and very friendly bull mastiff that presented with what appeared to be … more

I suspect we have all come across that tricky Pseudomonas otitis case that just seem … more

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Last Saturday I had a “walk in” – a very cute spaniel that was limping … more

Vets are always taught, quite rightly, the power of effective history taking. The value of it is … more

December 2014

Last week I removed one of the largest, most pus-filled uteri from a large breed … more

I’ve not long come across a case of a middle-aged dog that had suddenly become unaccustomedly … more

We have now started to use Polydioxanone (PDS) to stabilise symphyseal fractures in cats. We … more

We recently saw a 10-year-old, West Highland white that had developed a middle ear infection and facial … more