December 2014

In our practice, the preferred way to induce vomiting after ingestion of poisons (most commonly raisins, chocolate … more

November 2014

It is generally accepted rabbit anaesthesia can be challenging, but we do a lot of rabbit neutering … more

As I’ve done quite a few clinical tips now, I thought it would be interesting … more

I recently had a male cat presented that was “just a bit quiet” – it … more

October 2014

Given my interest in dermatology a lot of itchy canine and feline individuals are passed … more

We recently had a case where a freely mobile, soft mass on the ventral abdomen, … more

OK, a potentially controversial one this… There is a lot of evidence highlighting resistance to … more

I now try to avoid running food trials in mid-summer. Certainly on first presentation, with no previous … more

2 mins

September 2014

My colleagues and I use immunotherapy on a fair number of dogs to treat atopic … more

If, like me, you get frustrated using scotch tape in the Diff-Quik to check for … more

This line always makes me think of the James Herriot books – and I recently … more

I find retching cats usually present last thing in an evening surgery, leaving you with … more

2 mins

August 2014

Do you ever get blind spots, where you forget a particular test that might be … more

Have you ever had an atopic dog that’s really well managed but suddenly flares, becomes … more

To be truthful, I have a bit of a blind spot when it comes to … more

July 2014

A nice six-year-old Labrador with a history of possible trauma, complete forelimb muscle atrophy and proprioceptive … more

I had a poor feline with a very blocked proximal urethra, and numerous attempts to pass … more

I was called out around 11pm recently to a case of acute onset dyspnoea in a … more

Do you have a puzzling dermatological case? Is it not responding the way you expect? … more

June 2014

Cats with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may have concurrent low vitamin B12 levels (Tams, 2014). … more

2 mins