February 2017

Do you know what a "meat sponge" is? Neither did Nick Marsh – but a late-night call from a client discussing one led him to realise we don't know everything, and that's okay.

14 mins

In pondering the hypocritical way in which humans treat animals, Nick Marsh wonders why certain animals deserve special treatment when others end up as kibble.

12 mins

January 2017

It can be hard to tell the difference between peer-review science and professional-sounding nonsense, even among the scientifically trained, warns Nick Marsh.

14 mins

While it's perfectly natural for a pride of lions to starve to death because they failed to kill enough prey, there’s nothing natural about vaccinations, antibiotics or processed food – and, according to Nick Marsh, it’s a bloody good thing, too.

10 mins

December 2016

Nick Marsh has discovered a little bit of magic in his life – just in time for Christmas. However, as he explains, it also means his new year's resolution is to enunciate better.

11 mins

Nick Marsh asks (and answers) that age-old question: would you want your child to have a career in the veterinary profession?

9 mins

November 2016

Nick Marsh considers how lab work is maybe not so different from general practice after all, by thinking about the chain of events that lead to the stacks of slide trays and accompanying piles of paper on his desk.

16 mins

Nick Marsh continues to take on the most serious veterinary issues of the day by attempting to discover who is the profession's closest equivalent to Indiana Jones.

17 mins

October 2016

Despite never meeting him or even speaking to him, the late, great Bob Michell had a profound influence on Nick Marsh's veterinary career and on his outlook in general.

10 mins

With little passion for fast cars, and having already snagged the best wife in the world, Nick Marsh claims his midlife crisis manifested itself in the purchase of a new washing machine and a "stupid necklace".

10 mins

September 2016

Having been out of general practice for a few months, many people have asked Nick Marsh the same thing: "Don’t you miss the patients?" Rather than an automatic "of course I do", this post is his measured response to what he considers a tricky question.

10 mins

Nick Marsh offers a very personal blog about coping with loss, following the death of his faithful lurcher, Willow.

13 mins

August 2016

Nick Marsh suspects imposter syndrome may be particularly strong for veterinary graduates thrown in at the deep end – but urges you to destroy any thoughts you may have about not being good enough to impart advice.

11 mins

July 2016

Author Nick Marsh is proud of his achievements as a vet, but admits to his one major professional failing – his inability, and reluctance, to play the salesman.

13 mins

In what he claims may turn out to be his "dullest blog ever", Nick Marsh offers up what he considers to be the cardinal sins of clinical note writing.

16 mins

June 2016

There’s a horrible moment we’ve all experienced – a nasty creeping sensation as it slowly dawns on you someone, somewhere has made a terrible mistake...

20 mins

This is a blog about a moment in time; that heart-stopping, sweaty, cold and confused moment you never quite get used to, no matter how often it happens: the middle of the night phone call.

11 mins

I had always wanted to write, but didn't start it in earnest until after I graduated. Writing was my escape from the shock of general practice; zombies, aliens and other worlds took my mind off the realities of the consulting room.

5 mins

Dagmar Mayer recounts her recent trip to Malawi, during which she helped to run the first surgical training course for African vets from the new premises of the Blantyre SPCA.

15 mins

May 2016

More than 16 years after beginning his career as a veterinary surgeon, blogger Nick Marsh has progressed into the world of clinical pathology and finds himself at the bottom of a very steep learning curve.

10 mins