February 2015

The industry is awash with advice on using social media. In fact, it’s now so … more

As part of a course I’m studying, I have been looking at feedback in clinical … more

January 2015

I am currently stuck at home with a bad back, so I’ve had plenty of … more

8 mins

I have been teaching surgical nursing and during a recent oronasal session we covered dentistry. … more

December 2014

I attended some great anaesthesia lectures at London Vet Show. The Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists … more

I’ve had an interesting week. I was at London Vet Show and enjoyed two good days of … more

November 2014

We are deep into a busy term of teaching and have veterinary care assistant students in … more

Outside my professional life I am a member of a dog walking group. However, as … more

October 2014

Working in education we need to spend time in practice ensuring we are clinically competent, … more

Whether you spend your time making countless cups of tea or getting quality time with the animals, work experience placements will provide a invaluable insight into your future career prospects.

5 mins

September 2014

We’ve just received an insurance renewal, and although both our pets are with the same provider, one … more

Being in VN education means I can drop back into practice occasionally. We are actually … more

3 mins

August 2014

Following a previous blog in which I mentioned MOOCs (massive open online courses), I took … more

It’s finally hot. SUPER HOT! Time to moan loudly about the lack of air conditioning, … more

6 mins

July 2014

2014 is more than half way over – scary, but true! I have achieved some … more

I was enjoying a lovely nurse chat with a friend recently, and we started reminiscing … more

3 mins

June 2014

I gave a lovely Clinical Coach training course this week. It’s always lovely to welcome … more

7 mins

I’m revisiting the eternal question of how to achieve 45 hours of CPD over the … more

May 2014

There are lots of things going on in the world of veterinary nursing at the moment: VN … more

Do you like what’s in your waiting room? Would you buy the items there? Do … more

4 mins