December 2020

Jane draws her 2020 blogs to a close with an introduction to a new canine companion.

7 mins

In her 2020 Christmas message, Jane Davidson takes a moment to discuss one of the most important topics to face the profession at this time of year – how to divvy up the Christmas treat pile.

8 mins

November 2020

Based on her own observations, Jane Davidson offers her anecdotal take on the problems caused by puppies purchased throughout lockdown by unprepared owners.

10 mins

Jane reminisces about the days when old newspapers were commonly used to line litter trays and the small, childish feeling of satisfaction she experienced whenever certain celebrities met a sticky end.

7 mins

October 2020

While RCVS VN council has approved an alternative assessment method for OSCEs under social distancing guidelines, blogger Jane Davidson offers up her own tongue-in-cheek real-world version of the exams.

7 mins

In an attempt to help her professional colleagues cope in these unprecedented, stressful times, Jane Davidson looks to inject some humour into the situation with her virtual “OSCE Experience”.

8 mins

September 2020

While undertaking her PhD, Jane Davidson has stumbled upon a group of other VNs who have completed, or are working on, a doctorate – membership of which shows there is no limit to where a vet nurse qualification can take you.

7 mins

Another issue of COVID-19, Jane says, is that “borrowing” pets via apps and websites is now being seen as a normal alternative to doggy day care.

8 mins

August 2020

Revision notes are part of the journey of you, but should you keep them, and if so, for how long? Jane Davidson addresses a big issue and offers her own insight on when you can and should let go…

9 mins

JaneRVN discusses the care of common animal residents found by the coast, and how people leaving them be is often the kinder and more beneficial choice to make.

10 mins

July 2020

JaneRVN discusses ways of expressing support of the #BlackLivesMatter movement – from asking questions to engaging in activities – and reviewing some old assumptions with fresh eyes.

6 mins

Educating clients on the best ways to care for their pets can be a daily struggle – particularly with the weird and not-so-wonderful “truths” they pick up from unsubstantiated sources on a daily basis.

7 mins

June 2020

After a short period of petlessness, Jane begins her menagerie anew with the introduction of her first “normal” pet, named after a controversial figure from the veterinary profession’s dim and distant past.

6 mins

As she approaches the end of her first year on council, Jane Davidson reflects on what she’s learned about the RCVS decision-making process in that time – and how it’s benefiting her ongoing PhD studies.

9 mins

May 2020

Reflecting on her research postgraduate status, JaneRVN compares her experiences from university the first time round with being a mature member today.

10 mins

Six months in to her PhD studying the origins of veterinary medicine, Jane Davidson provides an update on her findings to date – including confusion over separating the work of two organisations.

11 mins

April 2020

Never assume, because when you ASSUME, you make an ASS out of U and ME. You also run the risk of compromising the welfare of any animal in your charge, as Jane Davidson explains.

7 mins

In these uncertain times of lockdown, social distancing and self-isolation, JaneRVN focuses on a more positive note – the veterinary community and how it is supporting one another.

7 mins

March 2020

She may be proudly “foot loose and single” on the pet-owning front, but Jane doesn't expect it will last forever...

8 mins

JaneRVN ponders the conundrum of whether clients should dispose of cat poo or litter down the toilet, and the lavatory limbo that exists between owner opinion and expert etiquette.

9 mins