December 2021

Research shows emesis induction does not influence clinical outcome. However, Gerardo Poli feels a time and place exist for it, based on his clinical experience.

9 mins

Forget cultivating that moustache or dousing yourself with a bucket of iced water; instead, take on Jane RVNā€™s ā€œBe Kindā€ winter challenge and look after yourself this Christmas.

8 mins

In part two of his series, Gerardo Poli discusses the secondary survey process and how following ā€œA CRASH PLANā€ can help in emergency situations.

5 mins

November 2021

Taking a year out of her comfort zone to do something else taught Eleanor many things ā€“ not least that she chose wisely when selecting her future career in the first place.

10 mins

Having recently recognised some confusion around the subject, Jane Davidson offers a refresher on the Code of Professional Conduct regarding RVNs, laypeople and anaesthesia in small animals.

12 mins

In the first of a new two-part series, Gerardo Poli discusses the primary survey process and explains his alphabetical approach to all deteriorating or critical patients.

8 mins

After discussing how to take appropriate abdominal radiographs, Gerardo Poli offers some advice on interpreting the resulting images.

5 mins

ā€œPractices that outsource their out-of-hours care have been warned to have a contingency plan,ā€ writes Jordan Sinclair. However, in an age where people choose not to work OOH, where does that leave us?

18 mins

Abdominal radiographs can be daunting ā€“ so Gerardo Poli offers six tips to help you get the most information from your studies.

5 mins

Delving back into her clinical nursing skills to look after an injured Joey saw Jane Davidson look to evaluate her own emotional well-being.

10 mins

Gerardo Poli offers advice for diagnosing cases of gastric dilatation-volvulus, lists clinical signs and discusses the importance of performing an abdominal radiograph.

8 mins

Having returned to the veterinary degree after her intercalation year, Eleanor Goad is surprised when her favourite topic throws up a talking point surrounding brachycephalic breeds.

16 mins

Obstructive feline lower urinary tract disease is a common presentation in general practice. At Gerardo Poli's hospital, temporary relief is generally achieved within 15 minutes of patient arrival.

8 mins

October 2021

Aware of the furore surrounding the recent BVA campaign, Jane Davidson describes her own past experiences and how, if used in an intentionally negative way, an emoji is never ā€œjustā€ an emoji.

12 mins

Having previously discussed the components of a fluid therapy plan, Gerardo Poli looks at maintenance rates and crystalloid use.

5 mins

Student vet Eleanor Goad offers a handful of tips for students undertaking extramural studies ā€“ particularly those who, like her, missed out on a good chunk of work experience due to COVID-19.

14 mins

After surviving numerous encounters with high-maintenance Pekingese, Jane Davidson now relays the perils of owning a hound ā€“ especially during cobnut season.

7 mins

In his latest Tip of the Week, Gerardo Poli offers up his own approach to one of the most common presentations in general practice.

5 mins

To mark Baby Loss Awareness Week 2021, RVN Sally Linghorn shares a very personal account of this sadly common heartache, and encourages discussion among other female vet professionals suffering in silence.

16 mins

ā€œWhen life gives you lemons, make lemonadeā€ goes the well-known proverb used to encourage optimism in the face of adversity. Unfortunately for Jane RVN, there are no lemons in sightā€¦

9 mins