October 2021

Closer working between veterinary and NHS nurses can improve the mental well-being of us and our patients, writes Helen Ballantyne.

18 mins

September 2021

Following on from September's post on urinalysis, Gerardo Poli offers some simple tips on the use of dipsticks.

4 mins

Jill Mackay, senior lecturer of veterinary science education at the University of Edinburgh, shares her five top tips for using video to enhance learning.

25 mins

Following a previous tip in which he discussed the four basic components of a fluid therapy plan, Gerardo Poli takes a look at perfusion deficits, including clinical signs, cause and treatment.

11 mins

Having taken a short sabbatical from the Vet Times blog, Jordan Sinclair returns to share her concerns for the profession, and the people in it, as dealing with "impossible" workloads begins to take its toll.

21 mins

In the second in his series of tips on interpreting effusion samples, Gerardo Poli offers some things to look out for if the effusion is haemorrhagic.

3 mins

Jane Davidson describes how she found herself turning to a previously ignored form of exercise after being forced to abandon her beloved gym sessions for health reasons.

8 mins

Interpreting effusion samples can be confusing, says Gerardo Poli, so try to think of them as if you were collecting a blood sample.

6 mins

Placing all patients on 2% isoflurane and 2l/min oxygen flow rate is common practice, but blanket isoflurane saturations and oxygen flow rates can be dangerous, warns Gerardo Poli.

5 mins

August 2021

With some universities opting to continue online teaching over a return to their hallowed halls, Eleanor Goad looks at the two methods of learning and considers whether one way really is better than the other.

14 mins

Pulse oximetry is a very useful diagnostic and monitoring tool – but, as Gerardo Poli explains, it can give a false sense of security.

4 mins

Jane Davidson explains the emotions evoked by this buffet table classic...

8 mins

Need to know if there is an oesophageal foreign body but can’t be certain on radiographs? Dr Gerardo Poli has a quick tip for you.

4 mins

Vet student Eleanor Goad explains how there is more to life than veterinary surgery, and encourages her peers to explore more disparate interests outside the profession if they so wish.

8 mins

Gerardo Poli offers some tips on radiographic interpretation, a common area he has found many clinicians request more training in.

9 mins

Building on her past blog on summer safety, Jane Davidson highlights key safety tips so you and your dog can enjoy exploring the coast.

8 mins

July 2021

Urinalysis is an important diagnostic tool in veterinary practice – so why, asks Gerardo Poli, do some clinicians fail to perform urinalyses even when they are indicated?

4 mins

A recent experience sees Eleanor Goad muse on the UK’s rather lackadaisical approach when it comes to legislating against owners who leave their pets to overheat in cars.

9 mins

The sight of a dog running along the beach and splashing excitedly into the sea is a wondrous thing to behold, but it’s not without its hazards, as Jane Davidson explains.

8 mins

Dr Gerardo Poli looks at the common problems that come with the use of casts and bandages, and what can be done to reduce the risk of complications occurring.

4 mins