July 2021

Gerardo Poli says the art of blood smear interpretation is declining, but is an extremely valuable skill that should be part of every in-house haematology.

6 mins

Jane Davidson shares a story of determination triumphing over adversity and how the ability to understand something as essential as arithmetic doesn't come naturally to everyone.

9 mins

Fluid therapy is a topic that sometimes gets overlooked by vets, partly because there is a misconception that developing fluid plans can be difficult.

5 mins

June 2021

Adverse events during anaesthesia in otherwise young and healthy patients is a rare occurrence. However, … more

5 mins

Jane Davidson talks to fellow RVN-turned-PhD student Fraje Watson about her route from vet nurse to scholar, her future plans, and a handful of helpful hints and tips on how to apply for a PhD yourself.

17 mins

The ultrasound is an incredibly useful diagnostic tool. In this video tip, Gerardo Poli offers some advice to help you perfect the basics of ultrasound-guided aspiration.

1 mins

Gerardo Poli discusses how web savvy pet owners often visit their vet armed with research and even a diagnosis, and suggests vets attempt to call a truce with Dr Google.

8 mins

Jane Davidson comes to the defence of animal welfare charities, whose levels of veterinary care can easily match, if not surpass, those of private practice, despite allegations to the contrary.

8 mins

Dog bite wounds are one of the most common presentations both in general and emergency practice, and they can often be challenging cases. Here, Gerardo Poli offer some tips on managing these injuries.

5 mins

When is the best possible option not the best possible option? When it doesn't take into consideration the input of the client or the true needs of the patient, claims Jane Davidson.

7 mins

May 2021

In response to an impromptu televised debate on vet bills, student vet Eleanor Goad looks to break the myth that all vets are unfairly overcharging for their services and lighting cigars with ÂŁ20 notes.

11 mins

Eleanor Goad discusses how insidious feelings of inadequacy have been able to take hold even more tightly during the coronavirus pandemic, but that, actually, everyone is likely to be in the same boat.

15 mins

As a former Pekingese owner, Jane Davidson uses her experience of moving to a greyhound in an effort to compare and contrast the different cost implications of owning large and small dogs.

7 mins

A number of unfortunate experiences have left Jordan Sinclair with a distinct dislike of the only animal she cannot truly learn to love: the alpaca.

17 mins

Are you able to undertake the surgery yourself, or should you consider referral to a facility that is better equipped for the challenges that often accompany linear foreign body patients?

7 mins

Many pet owners are eschewing the convenience of ready-made diets in order to take on more responsibility when it comes to nutritional choices for their pets. This can be a problem, warns @JaneRVN.

7 mins

April 2021

In the second of his three-part series on linear foreign bodies, Gerardo Poli explains how ultrasound can be a “highly sensitive and specific diagnostic test”, but only if you know what you’re looking for…

5 mins

David Charles calls on his peers to open at least one door for a vet of the future to encourage diversity while retaining the profession’s reputation as one widely respected by the public.

13 mins

In the first of a three-part series, Gerardo Poli offers hints, tips and considerations to bear in mind when attempting to diagnose the presence of a linear foreign body using radiographs.

5 mins

In the first part of a new series, Nick Marsh explains why, despite being popular among his peers, these cells make him think of a sack of angry wasps every time they appear under the microscope…

13 mins