January 2020

If you worked over the festive season – while family and friends relaxed and spent time together – Hubert Hiemstra has a message for you: be proud of yourself.

9 mins

“I know I’m helping with my reports and my opinions, but I very rarely get the buzz any more” – having not worked in general practice for four years – Nick Marsh wonders if he will ever feel “the buzz” again.

19 mins

Eleanor Goad discusses how, though taking time out from exam prep is a godsend, camaraderie among fellow students who understand what you are going through makes all the difference.

7 mins

Good signage is important and, in some instances, mandatory. But is it having the desired effect? Jane RVN probes an instance where, certainly in a busy practice setting, less is more…

14 mins

December 2019

Having learned about the initiatives carried out by Davies Veterinary Specialists, Jordan Sinclair ponders the changes – big and small – the profession could make to reduce its environmental impact.

16 mins

Amid late-night elf-hiding antics, Nick Marsh found light relief in Adam Kay’s ‘Twas the Nightshift Before Christmas – as well as food for thought, not least, on how elderly pets are treated at Christmas.

12 mins

Christmas and the buzzing activity it brings with it is almost here, Eleanor Goad advises on how we can make the holiday easier for our pets.

10 mins

In a second seasonal offering, Jane Davidson turns her attention to the frozen turkey – the symbol of all that is wrong with yuletide celebrations.

15 mins

Having considered the criteria for when to resect part of the small intestine, Gerardo Poli discusses how to keep the rest of the abdomen sterile when carrying out the procedure.

8 mins

Without veering too far into “Bah, humbug!” territory, Jordan Sinclair re-envisions a traditional Christmas classic to more accurately illustrate the festive season in first opinion veterinary practice.

4 mins

“I discovered a poem bubbling up in my head, so I wrote it down for posterity, and now it’s your problem” – Nick Marsh shares an emotional and personal view on end-of-life care.

5 mins

Healthy body, healthy mind, so the saying goes. Eleanor Goad reiterates how staying on top of your workload during the lead-up to exams can do wonders for performance now and in your future career.

14 mins

Whether a selection box or signature tin, sweet treats at work around Christmas is always welcomed. But what happens when you clash over chocolate courtesy? Jane RVN lays down some ground rules...

10 mins

Someone, somewhere wants to know something you consider as given knowledge, says Hubert Hiemstra – so pass it on…

6 mins

“Veterinary care is much more on par with private health care, but a lot of owners don’t quite realise that,” says Jordan Sinclair as she ponders the concept of privatisation.

12 mins

November 2019

Nick Marsh recounts a time when he admitted two animals with the same condition, but struggles to justify the fact one cost thousands and the other next to nothing, to achieve seemingly identical outcomes.

20 mins

Having had no mobile phone signal for two weeks while on a family holiday, Hubert Hiemstra ponders our use of technology and whether we should be more sensible with it.

12 mins

Eleanor Goad explains why she jumped at the prospect of intercalation – the period when students in Bristol take a year away from their studies to pursue something related to their course.

10 mins

Nick Marsh dedicates his latest blog post to his late father-in-law – “the kind of gentleman they don’t make anymore” – as he struggles to accept the loss of the kind, gentle man he had known for 20 years.

19 mins

As a seasoned vet student, Eleanor Goad knows all about these exams and how nerve-wracking they can be for first-years; here, she offers some sage advice to see you through.

9 mins