January 2017

It can be hard to tell the difference between peer-review science and professional-sounding nonsense, even among the scientifically trained, warns Nick Marsh.

14 mins

RVN blogger Jane Davidson highlights the importance of good communication and debates whether traditional ward rounds should also include the social or holistic aspects of care.

12 mins

A combination of poorly written recruitment ads and the realisation she is mere months from entering the "real world" have prompted Jordan to create a list of tips for advertising jobs to new grad vets.

11 mins

While it's perfectly natural for a pride of lions to starve to death because they failed to kill enough prey, there’s nothing natural about vaccinations, antibiotics or processed food – and, according to Nick Marsh, it’s a bloody good thing, too.

10 mins

Jane Davidson takes a look at the public's limited perception of veterinary nursing and wonders what can be done to improve awareness of the profession.

12 mins

With the new year comes resolutions – and Jordan Sinclair calls on pet owners to make one for their pets to help them stay in shape and enjoy the lifestyle they deserve.

7 mins

December 2016

Nick Marsh has discovered a little bit of magic in his life – just in time for Christmas. However, as he explains, it also means his new year's resolution is to enunciate better.

11 mins

How do you find a veterinary nurse when they're in short supply? It's not with "toys", cakes and chocolate. Jane Davidson talks VN recruitment and whether your adverts are sending the right message.

10 mins

Student vet Jordan Sinclair takes a pet owner stance, advising how to keep Christmas trees free of moggie mayhem, and pets free from danger.

7 mins

Nick Marsh asks (and answers) that age-old question: would you want your child to have a career in the veterinary profession?

9 mins

Danny Chambers shares his beliefs, arguments and reasoning against using homeopathic remedies in the veterinary profession in an opinion piece for Veterinary Times.

22 mins

Jordan Sinclair reveals what she learned after spending a couple of days with the ophthalmology service at the University of Glasgow Small Animal Hospital.

8 mins

Jane Davidson mulls over what she fears may be the catastrophic impact on the veterinary nursing sector of Brexit – but urges VNs to support European colleagues.

7 mins

November 2016

Bayer’s third canine ophthalmology training video is now available: examining the cornea.

22 mins

Nick Marsh considers how lab work is maybe not so different from general practice after all, by thinking about the chain of events that lead to the stacks of slide trays and accompanying piles of paper on his desk.

16 mins

With a slightly wonky face and one eye, Jane Davidson's beloved Persian is now living on borrowed time. Here, Jane tells the story of Little Blue, as they prepare for what is likely her final birthday.

11 mins

Jordan Sinclair looks back on a month volunteering with a veterinary charity in Morocco – from overcoming language barriers to ethical dilemmas and learning to think outside the box.

8 mins

Nick Marsh continues to take on the most serious veterinary issues of the day by attempting to discover who is the profession's closest equivalent to Indiana Jones.

17 mins

It's election time. There's Clinton, there's Trump... and then there's the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Jane Davidson takes a look at what being "on council" actually means.

7 mins

Jordan Sinclair discusses how the definition of anorexia and other eating disorders changes dramatically when you look at the eating habits of the rushed-off-its-feet veterinary profession.

11 mins