October 2016

Despite never meeting him or even speaking to him, the late, great Bob Michell had a profound influence on Nick Marsh's veterinary career and on his outlook in general.

10 mins

RVN Jane Davidson argues vet nurses need to hit the CPD benchmark laid down by their human health colleagues, claiming journal clubs are one solution to do so.

8 mins

While on the farm rotation at university, Jordan's inexperience lead her to discuss when things go wrong and examine the "safety net" provided by the Veterinary Defence Society.

10 mins

With little passion for fast cars, and having already snagged the best wife in the world, Nick Marsh claims his midlife crisis manifested itself in the purchase of a new washing machine and a "stupid necklace".

10 mins

Julian Norton, who found fame on Channel 5 documentary The Yorkshire Vet has written a book that recounts his adventures within the profession from his formative years to the present day.

14 mins

Jane Davidson explains why engagement with fellow RVNs is so important, both within the profession and the workplace, and reveals that engaged communities have happier staff and better outcome for patients.

9 mins

September 2016

Having stewarded at BEVA congress, student blogger Jordan Sinclair offers a round-up of sessions looking at the future of equine practice – which included suggestions as diverse as an "Uber" for equine vets.

10 mins

Having been out of general practice for a few months, many people have asked Nick Marsh the same thing: "Don’t you miss the patients?" Rather than an automatic "of course I do", this post is his measured response to what he considers a tricky question.

10 mins

Jane Davidson takes a brief look at some of the holistic treatment options available for pets, and finds they're not all just for horses.

7 mins

Student blogger Jordan Sinclair took it upon herself to enter the Great Scottish Run Half Marathon for combined reasons of health, sanity and philanthropy.

7 mins

Nick Marsh offers a very personal blog about coping with loss, following the death of his faithful lurcher, Willow.

13 mins

Jane Davidson's cat has some very specific requirements when it comes to cat litter. However, finding "the one" is proving difficult.

8 mins

August 2016

Blogger Jordan Sinclair wonders if students should be allowed to choose which of their peers they're placed with during final year rotations.

6 mins

Veterinary care will always a be a team effort, but the current shortage of RVNs can leave care assistants feeling like they're taking on a bigger part of the team's role than expected.

8 mins

Recently, I have been engaged in a battle with my internet provider and – ignoring the fact I’ve been without the world wide web for a month – no one seems capable of doing anything about it.

8 mins

Nick Marsh suspects imposter syndrome may be particularly strong for veterinary graduates thrown in at the deep end – but urges you to destroy any thoughts you may have about not being good enough to impart advice.

11 mins

RVN Jane Davidson extols the virtues of unity, teamwork and strength in numbers, as well as revealing a big secret...

14 mins

July 2016

The veterinary profession has an image problem, says Jordan Sinclair. Not because of anything anyone has done to bring it into disrepute, but because of unrealistic client expectations.

15 mins

Author Nick Marsh is proud of his achievements as a vet, but admits to his one major professional failing – his inability, and reluctance, to play the salesman.

13 mins

Graham Finch hates doing dressings, so passes the torch to RVN colleague Laura for her "top tips" on the subject of dressing wounds.

2 mins