May 2016

Mature chickens normally undergo one complete moult a year, usually in autumn. However, this can depend on the time of the year the bird started laying.

2 mins

"I’m telling you, I haven’t got the money! Are you going to leave her like this? She’s in pain! Don’t you even care?" If you haven’t heard this sentence already then don’t worry – you will.

15 mins

The fact that animals feel physical pain just like we do can be difficult for some people to understand – but when the evidence is staring you straight in the face (or even trying to bite your hand), why can people still not see it?

12 mins

We recently had an elderly cat that presented with typical signs of hyperthyroidism. However, as is sometimes the case, total T4 proved stubbornly normal on two estimations a couple of weeks apart.

1 mins

Having averaged four hours' sleep a night for a couple of weeks, I came out of fourth year exams alive... just. But now, the prospect of final year rotations beginning in five days' time is becoming very real.

6 mins

Have you ever had a puppy that just presents with lethargy, exercise intolerance and sleeps … more

2 mins

April 2016

My blogging career has been kind to me. As well as being invited to express my opinions, for what they are worth, on this website twice a month, I receive intermittent offers to write blogs for companies or to cover pet-based events.

13 mins

On 26 April 2015, disaster struck Nepal in the most devastating way – leading to unimaginable losses and the tragic deaths of almost 9,000 people.

6 mins

Jane Davidson offers a few ideas for making the most of Veterinary Nursing Awareness Month, an initiative created to raise awareness of the vital role played by veterinary nurses in animal care and treatment.

9 mins

Nasotracheal intubation can be used as an easy, less traumatic method of rabbit intubation when … more

2 mins

The first of April brought with it the usual abundance of amusing online articles, tweets and blogs, only claiming credibility until midday – and the veterinary community was no exception.

9 mins

Several species of lice live on chickens and cement their eggs on the base of feather shafts.

2 mins

There was a time in history when it was possible for one person to know the sum total of all humanity’s knowledge. Those days are long gone.

11 mins

Ever wondered what it's like for vets working worldwide to help animals in need? Wonder no more as vet Cait tells all about her experience as a Worldwide Veterinary Service (WVS) volunteer vet on World Spay Day.

13 mins

Metabolic bone disease is a common condition seen in almost all house rabbits with dental … more

3 mins

Professor Susan Dawson admits to Rebecca Hubbard that she is "excited and nervous in equal measure" at taking on the role of BSAVA president for 2016/17.

1 mins

Rebecca Hubbard speaks to outgoing BSAVA president Patricia Colville during the association's 2016 congress.

1 mins

Part of this blog went out on my Facebook page on the night of the 2016 Crufts final, fuelled by sadness and prosecco – never a good combo!

8 mins

Many dogs will not pass faeces for the first 4 to 5 days after surgery.

1 mins

March 2016

Easter brings not only the endorphin rush associated with an abundance of chocolate eggs, but also the picturesque seasonal backdrop of spring lambs merrily bouncing about. If only the reality was so idyllic...

7 mins