March 2016

Clinical examination for dehydration is one method used for assessing whether or not an animal … more

2 mins

How well we know our patients helps us handle them with the minimum amount of … more

8 mins

February 2016

Chocolate is digested much more slowly by dogs than people. Therefore symptoms may not appear … more

3 mins

Towards the end of 2015 I made a few changes in my life; I decided … more

13 mins

Antibodies to E cuniculi in rabbits can be detected on a blood test. Hence, a rabbit … more

3 mins

I’ve had a secret I’ve not told you all – a little project I didn’t … more

10 mins

At the end of January I travelled down to Nottingham for the third annual Student … more

7 mins

Myxoedema most commonly occurs in moderate to severe cases of hypothyroidism in dogs. Thickening of … more

2 mins

There’s a bit of a trend for blog titles at the moment – not mine, … more

10 mins

With vet nurses currently fighting to protect their title, now seems a good time to … more

7 mins

Relatively common in young to middle aged dogs, idiopathic head tremors can cause concern for owners, but episodes are not painful or upsetting for the dog.

23 mins

For dogs weighing less than 15kg, cranial cruciate disease can be managed conservatively – weight loss … more

1 mins

January 2016

One of our cats – Doogle, a home-loving feline who rarely sets foot outside the … more

7 mins

As is no doubt clear by this point in my blogging career, I am a … more

15 mins

It is advisable to always spay a bitch having a mastectomy. Approximately 50% of malignant … more

1 mins

While at London Vet Show in November, I attended the Vet Futures debate on the … more

5 mins

Tyzzer’s disease is caused by Clostridium piliforme and can cause severe disease in many animal … more

2 mins

Originally a charity set up by veterinary students for the homeless hounds of Glasgow in … more

5 mins

I have been doing a lot of locum work recently, and the first morning at … more

10 mins

Interrupted labour is common enough in queens, especially primagravida and domestic breeds, as to be … more

1 mins