September 2015

Meshed skin grafts have several advantages over non-meshed grafts. Meshing is the creation of several … more

2 mins

I’m not going to tell you how long ago I was at university, but I … more

NAME: Ashley Gray AGE: 42. QUALIFICATIONS: MA, VetMB, PhD, MRCVS POSITION: Managing director, Vetsure. BRIEF CV: I graduated from the … more

18 mins

This view is particularly useful for demonstrating small pneumothoraces, emphysema or loculated pleural fluid. The … more

I’ve noted a growing trend for veterinary staff to laugh at client mistakes. While this … more

One of the many non-academic challenges of becoming a vet is learning to cope with … more

8 mins

Back in July, Radio 4 broadcast a programme comparing the “patient journey” of those in … more

16 mins

Puppy pyoderma (also known as juvenile cellulitis) typically occurs between three weeks to four months … more

2 mins

A big dairy farming story of late is the decision by the Caffè Nero coffee … more

11 mins

It was my first day at work. I was nervous as heck, keen to impress, … more

A venipuncture site should be chosen where the skin is clean and has no obvious … more

3 mins

Recently I met up with some of my university friends. This doesn’t happen as often … more

14 mins

Around 10 years ago (it seems more, but recently time seems to have fewer divides) … more

13 mins

I was surprised to learn our local authority is getting rid of its dog warden, and that … more

5 mins

Have you ever noticed that, sometimes after starving, the haematocrit (Hct) and haemoglobin (Hgb) levels appear … more

2 mins

August 2015

Further to my previous article (VT45.34) where I introduced you to my first experiences with … more

22 mins

There is an unwritten rule that, at the end of each clinical placement (or, in some … more

Dave Nicol turned his world upside down when he moved to Sydney in 2009 to … more

8 mins

We live in troubled times – economically, politically, and socially. This blog being mostly focused on … more

9 mins

Hopefully, the title of this piece will have succeeded in drawing you in – so … more

26 mins