August 2015

Cats, particularly long-haired varieties, can be carriers of ringworm but show no clinical signs at … more

2 mins

Following the publication of my recent post about crowdfunding to pay vet bills, I got … more

3 mins

Eighty years ago a woman spotted a painting of her future husband in the office … more

16 mins

“Prognose, prognose, prognose” is a phrase uttered regularly by a vet I’ve spent a lot … more

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is a rapidly growing adjunctive therapy in companion animal practice. Low-level laser … more

1 mins

I deliberately left writing this article until after the general election – the repercussions of … more

13 mins

Despite my continued annoyance at the non-appearance of hoverboards, the 21st century is truly a wonderful … more

It’s always a real pleasure welcoming new graduates to our practice team, and we have … more

On a balmy summer’s day, what could be more quintessentially English than a picnic on … more

15 mins

At our usual holiday destination there is an annual dog show, run by a small … more

4 mins

This year has been a challenging, but exciting, time for International Aid for the Protection … more

7 mins

If you’d asked me yesterday, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you about zetetic … more

13 mins

When I attended the North American Veterinary Conference back in January, I was surprised to … more

2 mins

July 2015

Despite expecting a purely equine placement, I’ve had a bit of a crash course in … more

My name is Jo and I’m a perfectionist. Perfectionism is a big part of who … more

30 mins

VBJ editor James Westgate speaks to Niall McFerran about the advantages of selling own-brand products … more

As well as my veterinary role, I also work part time for the Open University … more

Willow, my faithful (if neurotic) lurcher, is usually good company on our walks. We have … more

The big summer OSCE extravaganza is over. For many nursing students it's just a wait for results and then it's "RVN time". For those who need to resit (and it's never that many), the focus returns to exams.

5 mins

Time for a controversial one, I feel… I have three dogs, and other than those … more

2 mins